Amphetamines Improve the Motivation to Invest Effort in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - PubMed

Open assessment of the therapeutic and rate-dependent effects of brain balance center® and interactive metronome® exercises on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Amphetamines modulate fentanyl-depressed respiration in a bidirectional manner - PubMed
Successful Treatment of Post-COVID-19 ADHD-like Syndrome: A Case Report - PubMed
Functional Impairments Associated With ADHD in Adulthood and the Impact of Pharmacological Treatment - PubMed
Perioperative Considerations for Patients Exposed to Psychostimulants - PubMed
Virtual reality in anesthesia "simulation" - PubMed
Virtual reality as an adjunct to anesthesia in the operating room - PubMed
Effects of immersive virtual reality therapy on intravenous patient-controlled sedation during orthopaedic surgery under regional anesthesia: A randomized controlled trial | PLOS ONE
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Inaccessible Masturbation, Impossible Mourning: Collective Melancholia, the Prohibition on Female Sexual Subjects in India, and Masturbation Fantasy as a Zone of the Strange - PubMed
Intelligent cities: towards interactive and global innovation environments
Covert Therapy - Psychotherapist
Natural Aphrodisiacs - Barnard Health Care
Natural Ways to Treat Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Barnard Health Care
Habituation and Extinction Models - Behavior Therapy
Fading Response Prompts - Behavior Therapy - Barnard Health Care
Types Of Covert Rehearsal - Behavior Therapy - Barnard Health Care
Analogue Behavioral Observation - Behavior Therapy
Aversion Relief - Behavior Therapy - Barnard Health Care
Assisted Covert Sensitization - Behavior Therapy - Barnard Health Care
Frontiers | An integrative review of attention biases and their contribution to treatment for anxiety disorders
Relapse prevention. An overview of Marlatt's cognitive-behavioral model - PubMed
18 Covert Sensitization - Cognitive Behavior
17 Covert Modeling - Cognitive Behavior
Chapter 4—Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy - Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse - NCBI Bookshelf
Behavior analysis, cognitive therapy, and covert conditioning - ScienceDirect
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | National Institute of Corrections
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions - Division of Rehabilitative Programs (DRP)
cognitive behavioral interventions "covert" - Brave Search