Inner Balance Bluetooth for Android & iPhone - HeartMath

heartmath - Google Search
affinity at 5HT1A, 5HT1B, 5HT1C, D1, D2, or D3 receptors - Google Search
1-(4-Methylphenyl)-2-pyrrolidin-1-yl-pentan-1-one (Pyrovalerone) analogs. A promising class of monoamine uptake inhibitors
Relative reinforcing effects of second-generation synthetic cathinones: acquisition of self-administration and fixed ratio dose-response curves in rats
alpha-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone - Wikipedia
Are Bath Salts Really as Dangerous as Everyone Thinks?
Webinar - "New Emerging Psychoactive Substances: A Brief History and Pharmacology of 'Designer Drugs'" | EENet Connect
"Sex Differences in Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Mediation of LSD Disc" by Keli A. Herr
TripSit Factsheets - DOM
"psychedelic stimulants" - Google Search
Reward and punishment systems - Oxford Scholarship
'Psyched': Field Trip Unveils Novel Compound, Numinus Begins Magic Mushroom Production - Planet Fitness (PLNT) | Benzinga
(2) Field Trip "unveils FT-104, a novel compound that is believed to have psychedelic capabilities." : shroomstocks
FT-104, - Google Search
What Is the Best Approach to Psychedelic Therapy? An Interview With Field Trip’s Ronan Levy | Technology Networks
Which Areas of the Brain Decide Punishment? | Technology Networks
Which Areas of the Brain Decide Punishment? | Technology Networks
Differential modulation of cognitive control networks by monetary reward and punishment | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | Oxford Academic
Rewarding and punishing effects from stimulating the same place in the rat's brain. - PsycNET
Multiple 5-HT systems and multiple punishment processes | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | Cambridge Core
Frontiers | Punishment Feedback Impairs Memory and Changes Cortical Feedback-Related Potentials During Motor Learning | Human Neuroscience
Readiness to Punish Others for Selfish Behavior Explained by Functional Brain Connections - Neuroscience News
Reward anticipation and punishment anticipation are instantiated in the brain via opponent mechanisms - Lake - 2019 - Psychophysiology - Wiley Online Library
What is the difference between the neuromechanism of reward and punishment?
Anatomical dissociation of intracerebral signals for reward and punishment prediction errors in humans | Nature Communications
Brain responses to social punishment: a meta-analysis | Scientific Reports
the 'punishment' system brain - Google Search
The Orgasmic Brain