DARPA to explore technology needed for moon-based economy
Graphene sensors from Darpa measure and stimulate neural tissue at the same time using both electri… | Brain structure, Physics and mathematics, Electrical projects
FDA regulation of invasive neural recording electrodes: a daunting task for medical innovators - PubMed
FD999999/Intramural FDA HHS/United States[Grants and Funding] - Search Results - PubMed
Janus microparticles-based targeted and spatially-controlled piezoelectric neural stimulation via low-intensity focused ultrasound - PubMed
Bi-directional electrical recording and stimulation of the intact retina with a screen-printed soft probe: a feasibility study - PubMed
Programmable DNA-augmented hydrogels for controlled activation of human lymphocytes - PubMed
The Effect of Including Quantitative Information on Multiple Endpoints in Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Television Advertisements - PubMed
Sequencing XMET genes to promote genotype-guided risk assessment and precision medicine - PubMed
Disclosing accelerated approval on direct-to-consumer prescription drug websites - PubMed
International Multisite Study of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes for Drug Proarrhythmic Potential Assessment - PubMed
Designing cancer immunotherapy trials with random treatment time-lag effect - PubMed
Directivity and Frequency-Dependent Effective Sensitive Element Size of Needle Hydrophones: Predictions From Four Theoretical Forms Compared With Measurements - PubMed
Broadband characterization of plastic and high intensity therapeutic ultrasound phantoms using time delay spectrometry-With validation using Kramers-Kronig relations - PubMed
Nicotine and addiction beliefs and perceptions among the US-born and foreign-born populations - PubMed
Trends and economic drivers for United States naloxone pricing, January 2006 to February 2017 - PubMed
Control-oriented physiological modeling of hemodynamic responses to blood volume perturbation - PubMed
Evaluating the Use of KIM-1 in Drug Development and Research Following FDA Qualification - PubMed
Drug Information Association Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies 2017: Overview of the Generic Drug Program and Surveillance - PubMed
Neuraminidase as an influenza vaccine antigen: a low hanging fruit, ready for picking to improve vaccine effectiveness - PubMed
The Role of Computational Modeling and Simulation in the Total Product Life Cycle of Peripheral Vascular Devices - PubMed
Improvement of Electromagnetic Field Distributions Using High Dielectric Constant (HDC) Materials for CTL-Spine MRI: Numerical Simulations and Experiments - PubMed
Validating Fatigue Safety Factor Calculation Methods for Cardiovascular Stents - PubMed
Pressure Pulse Distortion by Needle and Fiber-Optic Hydrophones due to Nonuniform Sensitivity - PubMed
Impact of media and antifoam selection on monoclonal antibody production and quality using a high throughput micro-bioreactor system - PubMed
Electrochemistry of a Robust Neural Interface - PubMed
A novel ECG detector performance metric and its relationship with missing and false heart rate limit alarms - PubMed
Disparities in hypertension and cardiovascular disease in blacks: The critical role of medication adherence - PubMed
Impact of Different Study Populations on Reader Behavior and Performance Metrics: Initial Results - PubMed
A portable real-time in situ gamma-ray analysis system - PubMed