Parent-infant interaction quality is related to preterm status and sensory processing - PubMed

Relationships among caregiving, stress, and self-regulation in toddlers living in poverty - PubMed
Co-regulation and parenting stress over time in full-term, very low birthweight preterm, and psycho-socially at-risk infant-mother dyads: Implications for fostering the development of healthy relationships - PubMed
Development of a Manualized Intervention to Support Episodic Memory in Autistic Children: Elaborative Reminiscing Is Key - PubMed
The impact of low birthweight in infant patterns of regulatory behavior, mother-infant quality of interaction, and attachment - PubMed
Associations between mothers' emotion regulation and real-time experiences of negative emotion: The moderating role of caregiving context - PubMed
Influence of digital media in the oral health education of mother-child pairs: study protocol of a parallel double-blind randomized clinical trial - PubMed
Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating within the mother-daughter dyad: An actor-partner interdependence approach - PubMed
Transient changes in mothers' negative emotional reactivity predict changes in the intensity, persistence, and variability of their aversive behavior - PubMed
The Canadian Mother-Child Cohort Active Surveillance Initiative (CAMCCO): Comparisons between Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta - PubMed
"I'm walking on eggshells": challenges faced by mothers with breast cancer in interacting with adolescent daughters - PubMed
The role of mother-infant emotional synchrony in speech processing in 9-month-old infants - PubMed
Influences of infants' and mothers' contingent vocal responsiveness on young infants' vocal social bids in the Still Face Task - PubMed
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on maternal psychological status, the couple's relationship and mother-child interaction: a prospective study - PubMed
Japanese infants' attachment insecurity and externalizing/internalizing problems: Using strange situation and attachment Q-sort methods - PubMed
Associations of maternal emotion regulation with child white matter connectivity in Black American mother-child dyads - PubMed
Empathy for others versus for one's child: Associations with mothers' brain activation during a social cognitive task and with their toddlers' functioning - PubMed
The Influence of Maternal Psychological Manifestations on the Mother-Child Couple during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic in Two Hospitals in Timisoara, Romania - PubMed
"Mother-Child Relations"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Feminine gender identity and physical aggressiveness in heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles - PubMed
The historical and cultural spectra of homosexuality and their relationship to the fear of being a lesbian - PubMed
Man-boy lovers: assessment, counseling, and psychotherapy - PubMed
Sexual deviation. Children in danger - PubMed
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