The Bidirectional View of Mother-Infant Interaction by Gaze and Facial Affect - PubMed
Resilience in mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic - PubMed
Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial - PubMed
Individual differences in symptoms of maternal depression and associations with parenting behavior - PubMed
Mindful with your baby for mothers of infants with (parental) stress in a non-clinical setting: a wait-list controlled pilot trial - PubMed
Development of "Hunger Neurons" and the Unanticipated Relationship Between Energy Metabolism and Mother-Infant Interactions - PubMed
Trajectories of infant positive emotion during the still face paradigm are associated with toddler temperament - PubMed
Does interactive ultrasound intervention relieve minor depressive symptoms and increase maternal attachment in pregnancy? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Child Maltreatment Severity and Sleep Variability Predict Mother-Infant RSA Coregulation - PubMed
Emotional Availability in Mother-Child and Father-Child Interactions as Predictors of Child's Attachment Representations in Adoptive Families - PubMed
Feminist embodiment, body talk, and body image among mothers and daughters - PubMed
Infant behavioural effects of smartphone interrupted parent-infant interaction - PubMed
Maternal anxiety symptoms associated with increased behavioral synchrony in the early postnatal period - PubMed
What I promised my mother - PubMed
The role of maternal child maltreatment history and unsupportive emotion socialization in the intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation difficulties - PubMed
Measurement of interpersonal physiological synchrony in dyads: A review of timing parameters used in the literature - PubMed
Using complexity science to understand the role of co-sleeping (bedsharing) in mother-infant co-regulatory processes - PubMed
A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR in treating maternal PTSD to reduce maltreatment recidivism: protocol for the Safe Mothers, Safe Children study - PubMed
Parental embodied mentalizing: Associations with maternal depression, anxiety, verbal mentalizing, and maternal styles of interaction - PubMed
Mother-Child Interaction of Boys With ADHD: A Behavioral Observation Study - PubMed
Maternal socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function during volitional emotion regulation, and parenting - PubMed
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time - PubMed
Sensitivity Training for Mothers With Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed
Maternal mobile phone use during mother-child interactions interferes with the process of establishing joint attention - PubMed
Maternal Worry Socialization and Toddler Inhibited Temperament: Transactional Associations and Stability across Time - PubMed
Altered hormonal patterns in borderline personality disorder mother-child interactions - PubMed
Longitudinal relations between maternal and adolescent emotion dysregulation and maternal autonomy support - PubMed
Still-face redux: Infant responses to a classic and modified still-face paradigm in proximal and distal care cultures - PubMed
Preliminary longitudinal evidence for stability of maternal behavior and infant stress regulation among infants born preterm at 4 and 9 months during the Still Face paradigm - PubMed
Maternal posttraumatic stress predicts Mother-Child Symptom Flare-Ups over Time - PubMed