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DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
In the past decade, emerging synthetic biology technologies such as chemogenetics have dramatically transformed how pharmacologists and systems biologists deconstruct the involvement of G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) in a myriad of physiological and translational settings. Here we highlight a specific chemogenetic application that extends the utility of the concept of RASSLs (receptors activated solely by synthetic ligands): We have dubbed it DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs). As we show in this review, DREADDs are now used ubiquitously to modulate GPCR activity noninvasively in vivo. Results from these studies have directly implicated GPCR signaling in a large number of therapeutically relevant contexts. We also highlight recent applications of DREADD technology that have illuminated GPCR signaling processes that control pathways relevant to the treatment of eating disorders, obesity, and obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. Additionally, we provide an overview of the potential utility of chemogenetic technologies for transformative therapeutics.
DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
In the past decade, emerging synthetic biology technologies such as chemogenetics have dramatically transformed how pharmacologists and systems biologists deconstruct the involvement of G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) in a myriad of physiological and translational settings. Here we highlight a specific chemogenetic application that extends the utility of the concept of RASSLs (receptors activated solely by synthetic ligands): We have dubbed it DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs). As we show in this review, DREADDs are now used ubiquitously to modulate GPCR activity noninvasively in vivo. Results from these studies have directly implicated GPCR signaling in a large number of therapeutically relevant contexts. We also highlight recent applications of DREADD technology that have illuminated GPCR signaling processes that control pathways relevant to the treatment of eating disorders, obesity, and obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. Additionally, we provide an overview of the potential utility of chemogenetic technologies for transformative therapeutics.
DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
DREADDs: The Power of the Lock, the Weakness of the Key. Favoring the Pursuit of Specific Conditions Rather than Specific Ligands | eNeuro
DREADDs: The Power of the Lock, the Weakness of the Key. Favoring the Pursuit of Specific Conditions Rather than Specific Ligands | eNeuro
DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) are a powerful and tremendous new technique for selectively manipulating a specific neuronal (or non-neuronal) subpopulation. Recent studies indicate, however, that ligands used for DREADDs, such as clozapine- N -oxide or its parent compound clozapine, are not as selective as expected, even at reasonable concentrations. Although the new generation of ligands specifically developed for DREADDs or alternative chemogenetic receptors may present some improvements, the absence of potential off-target effects remains to be fully demonstrated. Together, indications from the recent literature on DREADDs should warn current and future users about some weaknesses of this expanding technique in the field of integrative neuroscience and encourage them to take some specific precautions to avoid important pitfalls with DREADDs, which remain a promising and complementary approach to optogenetics with the relevant controls. Over the past decade, chemogenetic and optogenetic techniques have revolutionized integrative neuroscience by providing new tools to reversibly manipulate the activity of specific populations or neurotransmitter systems with greater selectivity (Sternson and Roth, 2014; Roth, 2016; Wiegert et al., 2017). Compared with optogenetics, which allow fast and phasic neuronal modulation with high temporal resolution, chemogenetics allow more extended modulation of systems, which is particularly useful for studies focusing on tonic phenomena (e.g., investigation of the implication of dopamine in motivational processes; Whissell et al., 2016). Among chemogenetic tools, designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) are widely used and are referred to as a biological “lock-and-key” system for selective manipulation of cell activity through G-protein signaling pathways. First developed very elegantly by the Roth’s group (Armbruster et al., 2007), this G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is a muscarinic receptor: the lock, which was mutated to respond only to clozapine- N -oxide (CNO), the …
DREADDs: The Power of the Lock, the Weakness of the Key. Favoring the Pursuit of Specific Conditions Rather than Specific Ligands | eNeuro
DREADDs review | Hello Bio
DREADDs review | Hello Bio
Learn more about DREADD receptors and their ligands and actuators: CNO (clozapine n-oxide), perlapine, DREADD agonist 21 (Compound 21), J60, J52 and SalB (salvinorin B)
DREADDs review | Hello Bio
DREADD ligands (CNO / SalB / DCZ) for neuroscience research
DREADD ligands (CNO / SalB / DCZ) for neuroscience research
Hello Bio manufacture higih quality DREADD receptor ligands Clz N Oxide (CNO), Salvinorin B (SalB), J60, J52 and perlapine which activate DREADD receptors in neuroscience research
DREADD ligands (CNO / SalB / DCZ) for neuroscience research
Addgene: Chemogenetics Guide
Addgene: Chemogenetics Guide
Addgene's guide to using Chemogenetics plasmids in your lab for interrogation of neuronal activity.
Addgene: Chemogenetics Guide
Compound 21, a two-edged sword with both DREADD-selective and off-target outcomes in rats
Compound 21, a two-edged sword with both DREADD-selective and off-target outcomes in rats
Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) represent a technical revolution in integrative neuroscience. However, the first used ligands exhibited dose-dependent selectivity for their molecular target, leading to potential unspecific effects. Compound 21 (C21) was recently proposed as an alternative, but in vivo characterization of its properties is not sufficient yet. Here, we evaluated its potency to selectively modulate the activity of nigral dopaminergic (DA) neurons through the canonical DREADD receptor hM4Di using TH-Cre rats. In males, 1 of C21 strongly increased nigral neurons activity in control animals, indicative of a significant off-target effect. Reducing the dose to 0.5 circumvented this unspecific effect, while activated the inhibitory DREADDs and selectively reduced nigral neurons firing. In females, 0.5 of C21 induced a transient and residual off-target effect that may mitigated the inhibitory DREADDs-mediated effect. This study raises up the necessity to test selectivity and efficacy of chosen ligands for each new experimental condition.
Compound 21, a two-edged sword with both DREADD-selective and off-target outcomes in rats
Gi-DREADD Expression in Peripheral Nerves Produces Ligand-Dependent Analgesia, as well as Ligand-Independent Functional Changes in Sensory Neurons | Journal of Neuroscience
Gi-DREADD Expression in Peripheral Nerves Produces Ligand-Dependent Analgesia, as well as Ligand-Independent Functional Changes in Sensory Neurons | Journal of Neuroscience
Designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) are an advanced experimental tool that could potentially provide a novel approach to pain management. In particular, expression of an inhibitory (Gi-coupled) DREADD in nociceptors might enable ligand-dependent analgesia. To test this possibility, TRPV1-cre mice were used to restrict expression of Gi-DREADDs to predominantly C-fibers. Whereas baseline heat thresholds in both male and female mice expressing Gi-DREADD were normal, 1 mg/kg clozapine- N -oxide (CNO) produced a significant 3 h increase in heat threshold that returned to baseline by 5 h after injection. Consistent with these behavioral results, CNO decreased action potential firing in isolated sensory neurons from Gi-DREADD mice. Unexpectedly, however, the expression of Gi-DREADD in sensory neurons caused significant changes in voltage-gated Ca2+ and Na+ currents in the absence of CNO, as well as an increase in Na+ channel (NaV1.7) expression. Furthermore, CNO-independent excitatory and inhibitory second-messenger signaling was also altered in these mice, which was associated with a decrease in the analgesic effect of endogenous inhibitory G-protein-coupled receptor activation. These results highlight the potential of this exciting technology, but also its limitations, and that it is essential to identify the underlying mechanisms for any observed behavioral phenotypes. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT DREADD technology is a powerful tool enabling manipulation of activity and/or transmitter release from targeted cell populations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether inhibitory DREADDs in nociceptive afferents could be used to produce analgesia, and if so, how. DREADD activation produced a ligand-dependent analgesia to heat in vivo and a decrease in neuronal firing at the single-cell level. However, we observed that expression of Gi-DREADD also causes ligand-independent changes in ion channel activity and second-messenger signaling. These findings highlight both the potential and the limitations of this exciting technology as well as the necessity to identify the mechanisms underlying any observed phenotype.
Gi-DREADD Expression in Peripheral Nerves Produces Ligand-Dependent Analgesia, as well as Ligand-Independent Functional Changes in Sensory Neurons | Journal of Neuroscience
Changing the locks | Feature | Chemistry World
Changing the locks | Feature | Chemistry World
Designer receptors help understand cellular signals and could treat epilepsy and Parkinson's disease, but need new tools, finds Andy Extance
Changing the locks | Feature | Chemistry World
1769-P: Microglial Activation and Inactivation via Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) Alters Peripheral Glucose Homeostasis | Diabetes
1769-P: Microglial Activation and Inactivation via Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) Alters Peripheral Glucose Homeostasis | Diabetes
Obesity, a condition affecting more than one in three American adults, is associated with hypothalamic neuronal injury, inflammation, and gliosis- a proces
1769-P: Microglial Activation and Inactivation via Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) Alters Peripheral Glucose Homeostasis | Diabetes
Viral Vector Delivery of DREADDs for CNS Therapy | Bentham Science
Viral Vector Delivery of DREADDs for CNS Therapy | Bentham Science
Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) are genetically modified G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), that can be activated by a synthetic ligand which is otherwise inert at endogenous receptors. DREADDs can be expressed in cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and subsequently offer the opportunity for remote and reversible silencing or activation of the target cells when the synthetic ligand is systemically administered. In neuroscience, DREADDs have thus far shown to be useful tools for several areas of research and offer considerable potential for the development of gene therapy strategies for neurological disorders. However, in order to design a DREADD-based gene therapy, it is necessary to first evaluate the viral vector delivery methods utilised in the literature to deliver these chemogenetic tools. This review evaluates each of the prominent strategies currently utilised for DREADD delivery, discussing their respective advantages and limitations. We focus on adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based and lentivirus-based systems, and the manipulation of these through cell-type specific promoters and pseudotyping. Furthermore, we address how virally mediated DREADD delivery could be improved in order to make it a viable gene therapy strategy and thus expand its translational potential.
Viral Vector Delivery of DREADDs for CNS Therapy | Bentham Science