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Melanin and Melanin-Like Hybrid Materials in Regenerative Medicine - PubMed
Mussel-Inspired Surface Chemistry for Multifunctional Coatings | Science
Layered hydroxide/polydopamine/hyaluronic acid functionalized magnesium alloys for enhanced anticorrosion, biocompatibility and antithrombogenicity in vascular stents - Xiaojing He, Guannan Zhang, Yuliang Pei, Hongyu Zhang, 2020
OSA | Multi-layer optical fiber surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on a sandwich structure of polydopamine-MoSe2@Au nanoparticles-polydopamine
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Polydopamine coated multifunctional lanthanide theranostic agent for vascular malformation and tumor vessel imaging beyond 1500 nm and imaging-guided photothermal therapy
Polydopamine free radical scavengers - Biomaterials Science (RSC Publishing)
Polydopamine Nanoparticles as Efficient Scavengers for Reactive Oxygen Species in Periodontal Disease - PubMed
Polydopamine-Assisted Surface Modification for Bone Biosubstitutes
Polydopamine-doped virus-like structured nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging guided synergistic chemo-/photothermal therapy,RSC Advances - X-MOL
Polydopamine-Mesoporous Silica Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Combined Photothermal Immunotherapy - PubMed
Polydopamine—Not Just an Innocent Polymer :: ChemViews Magazine :: ChemistryViews
polydopamineの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
Preclinical development of Ramizol, an antibiotic belonging to a new class, for the treatment of Clostridium difficile colitis - PubMed
Reactive oxygen species promote TNFalpha-induced death and sustained JNK activation by inhibiting MAP kinase phosphatases - PubMed
Reactive oxygen species-mediated regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - PubMed
Regenerative nanotechnology in oral and maxillofacial surgery - DentistryKey
Regulating the absorption spectrum of polydopamine | Science Advances
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Schnitzer Group at Stanford University | Publications
Sending ROS on a bullet train - PubMed
Sequence-Defined DNA Amphiphiles for Drug Delivery: Synthesis and Self-Assembly | SpringerLink
Signal transduction by reactive oxygen species - PubMed