Management by objectives for the academic medical center - PubMed

Pilot Programs in Medical Research
"Rounding is an evidence-free idea driven by political whim" - PubMed
Comparison of closed testing procedures for pairwise testing of means - PubMed
Group-therapy of couples after breast cancer diagnosis: experimental pilot study - PubMed
Practical and analytic issues in the electronic assessment of adherence - PubMed
Overview of the ISCE ECG "genome project" - PubMed
Sickness absenteeism and smoking - PubMed
Giving schools a nudge: can behavioural insights improve recruitment of schools to randomised controlled trials? - PubMed
Evaluation of a new model for the reduction of excess sludge production by ozonation of return activated sludge: what solids COD fraction is affected? - PubMed
Sequential experimentation in product development. I - PubMed
Assessing CME needs assessment - PubMed
Technegas: a study of particle structure, size and distribution - PubMed
Pilot scale comparison of enhanced coagulation with magnetic resin plus coagulation systems - PubMed
Demonstrating Functional Equivalence of Pilot and Production Scale Freeze-Drying of BCG - PubMed
Pilot studies on saliva--a report - PubMed
Pilot study on traffic accidents - PubMed
Remembering the Unforgettable: Trialing ICU Diaries in North America - PubMed
Supervision of chiropractors: a pilot study - PubMed
Education: Initiatives to bridge faith and science - PubMed
A pilot study of perceived exertion and physical working capacity - PubMed
Telehealth core to WHO's missions - PubMed
Cost containment plan could cut disposables - PubMed
The pilot study: one key to research success - PubMed
System speeds malpractice settlements - PubMed
Preceptorship is alive and well and working at BCIT - PubMed
How do transitional objects work?: the therapist's view - PubMed