A clonogenic common myeloid progenitor that gives rise to all myeloid lineages - PubMed

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Irradiation induces neural precursor-cell dysfunction - PubMed
Clonal and population analyses demonstrate that an EGF-responsive mammalian embryonic CNS precursor is a stem cell - PubMed
Oligodendrocyte precursor cells reprogrammed to become multipotential CNS stem cells - PubMed
Slowly cycling (label-retaining) epidermal cells behave like clonogenic stem cells in vitro - PubMed
Highly persistent label-retaining cells in the hair follicles of mice and their fate following induction of anagen - PubMed
Strategies of epithelial repair: modulation of stem cell and transit amplifying cell proliferation - PubMed
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Multipotent neural stem cells reside into the rostral extension and olfactory bulb of adult rodents - PubMed
Hematopoietic competence is a rare property of neural stem cells that may depend on genetic and epigenetic alterations - PubMed
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Telomere shortening accompanies increased cell cycle activity during serial transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells - PubMed
Pluripotency of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adult marrow - PubMed
Failure of bone marrow cells to transdifferentiate into neural cells in vivo - PubMed
Little evidence for developmental plasticity of adult hematopoietic stem cells - PubMed
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The moderate predictive value of serial serum CRP and PCT levels for the prognosis of hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia | Respiratory Research | Full Text
Mathematical model for the dynamic P-C-T curves of the MmNi4.6Al0.2Fe0.2V0.03 alloy in a tubular reactor - ScienceDirect
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