Pilot Programs in Medical Research

Pilot Programs in Medical Research

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Practical and analytic issues in the electronic assessment of adherence - PubMed
Practical and analytic issues in the electronic assessment of adherence - PubMed
Although medication adherence can be measured many ways, researchers often view electronic dose monitoring devices like the Medication Event Monitoring Systems (MEMS) as more valid than patient self-reports. MEMS are popular but have potential problems. Based on the literature and MEMS data analyses …
Practical and analytic issues in the electronic assessment of adherence - PubMed
A majority of people in the United States use complementary and alternative therapies, and this use is increasing. With the increasing interest, providers must evaluate potential risks and benefits of these therapies. This article describes challenges of a feasibility study of acupuncture as a poten …
Group-therapy of couples after breast cancer diagnosis: experimental pilot study - PubMed
Group-therapy of couples after breast cancer diagnosis: experimental pilot study - PubMed
Cancer is a family affair. Clinical work and research studies have shown that cancer affects the entire family and that spouses especially are often highly distressed. Breast cancer has a special importance for a couple. It is convenient to help the patient and her husband together. In the first six …
Group-therapy of couples after breast cancer diagnosis: experimental pilot study - PubMed
Supervision of chiropractors: a pilot study - PubMed
Supervision of chiropractors: a pilot study - PubMed
Chiropractors feel that one of the most important aspects of supervision is the ongoing dialogue between the chiropractor and the graduate. Among the statements that were considered less important included "awareness of correlation between body and mind" and "to have a holistic approach." It is poss …
Supervision of chiropractors: a pilot study - PubMed
Criteria of drug-induced liver disorders. Report of an international consensus meeting - PubMed
Criteria of drug-induced liver disorders. Report of an international consensus meeting - PubMed
International reporting of adverse drug reactions by pharmaceutical manufacturers to national drug regulatory authorities requires internationally accepted standard definitions of reactions and criteria for assessment of causality. The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIO …
Criteria of drug-induced liver disorders. Report of an international consensus meeting - PubMed
Teaching the psychiatric aspects of medicine: report of a successful pilot experience - PubMed
Teaching the psychiatric aspects of medicine: report of a successful pilot experience - PubMed
Teaching the Psychiatric Aspects of Medicine during a required medicine clerkship was evaluated by before and after cognitive tests and attitudinal measurements. The students who took this course demonstrated a marked improvement in mastering didactic material and their attitudes toward the teaching …
Teaching the psychiatric aspects of medicine: report of a successful pilot experience - PubMed
Regulation of emotions during experimental endotoxemia: A pilot study - PubMed
Regulation of emotions during experimental endotoxemia: A pilot study - PubMed
Even though dysfunctional emotion regulation is prominent in depression and a link between depression and inflammation is well established, there is little knowledge about how inflammation affects the regulation of emotions. The aim of this pilot study was to explore the effect of experimentally ind …
Regulation of emotions during experimental endotoxemia: A pilot study - PubMed
iWaste: Video-Based Medical Waste Detection and Classification - PubMed
iWaste: Video-Based Medical Waste Detection and Classification - PubMed
Waste auditing is important for effectively reducing the medical waste generated by resource-intensive operating rooms. To replace the current time-intensive and dangerous manual waste auditing method, we propose a system named iWASTE to detect and classify medical waste based on videos recorded by …
iWaste: Video-Based Medical Waste Detection and Classification - PubMed
Overall, these high-level requirements adequately captured the functionality required to enable the health workers to provide the intervention successfully. Nevertheless, the analysis of results indicated that some improvements were required for the system to be useable in a task-shifted interventio …
Simulation-based interdisciplinary education improves intern attitudes and outlook toward colleagues in other disciplines - PubMed
Simulation-based interdisciplinary education improves intern attitudes and outlook toward colleagues in other disciplines - PubMed
IDSE positively influenced intern outlook on and attitudes towards other medical disciplines. This unique learning environment provided interns an opportunity to learn clinical case management while learning about, from, and with each other; subsequently breaking traditional discipline-specific ster …
Simulation-based interdisciplinary education improves intern attitudes and outlook toward colleagues in other disciplines - PubMed
Performance of a MBR pilot plant treating high strength wastewater subject to salinity increase: analysis of biomass activity and fouling behaviour - PubMed
Performance of a MBR pilot plant treating high strength wastewater subject to salinity increase: analysis of biomass activity and fouling behaviour - PubMed
Membrane bioreactors produce high quality effluents that could be suitable for reuse. However, when treating high strength wastewater subject to a salinity increase, a modification of biomass characteristics may occur. This circumstance is of importance, since it can have a significant impact in ter …
Performance of a MBR pilot plant treating high strength wastewater subject to salinity increase: analysis of biomass activity and fouling behaviour - PubMed
Monitoring granulation rate processes using three PAT tools in a pilot-scale fluidized bed - PubMed
Monitoring granulation rate processes using three PAT tools in a pilot-scale fluidized bed - PubMed
The purpose of this research was to analyze and compare the responses of three Process Analytical Technology (PAT) techniques applied simultaneously to monitor a pilot-scale fluidized bed granulation process. Real-time measurements using focused beam reflectance measurement (Lasentec FBRM) and near- …
Monitoring granulation rate processes using three PAT tools in a pilot-scale fluidized bed - PubMed
An Integrated International Aerospace Medical Information System (IIASMIS) is proposed. Such a system is needed to allow all appropriate resources to be brought to bear on the medical problems that must be solved for safe extended manned missions. Existing medical data bases are reviewed. The sugges …
Quality of healthcare websites: A comparison of a general-purpose vs. domain-specific search engine - PubMed
Quality of healthcare websites: A comparison of a general-purpose vs. domain-specific search engine - PubMed
In a pilot study, we had five typical Internet users evaluate the quality of health websites returned by a general-purpose search engine (Google) and a healthcare-specific search engine (Healthfinder). The evaluators used a quality criteria developed by Mitretek/Health Information Technology Institu …
Quality of healthcare websites: A comparison of a general-purpose vs. domain-specific search engine - PubMed
Pilot study of design method for surgical robot using workspace reproduction system - PubMed
Pilot study of design method for surgical robot using workspace reproduction system - PubMed
Recent development methods for surgical robots have an inherent problem. The user-friendliness of operating robot cannot be revealed until completion of the robot. To assist the design of a surgical robot that is user-friendly in terms of surgeon's operation, we propose a system that considers the o …
Pilot study of design method for surgical robot using workspace reproduction system - PubMed
The MMAT is unique, thus the reliability of the pilot MMAT is promising, and encourages further development.
The paradox of negative pressure wound therapy--in vitro studies - PubMed
The paradox of negative pressure wound therapy--in vitro studies - PubMed
Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has revolutionised wound care. Yet, it is still not understood how hypobaric tissue pressure accelerates wound healing. There is very little reported on the relevant physics of any substance subjected to suction in this manner. The common assumption is that app …
The paradox of negative pressure wound therapy--in vitro studies - PubMed
Improving wound care simulation with the addition of odor: a descriptive, quasi-experimental study - PubMed
Improving wound care simulation with the addition of odor: a descriptive, quasi-experimental study - PubMed
Improving problem-solving skills and expertise in complex clinical care provision requires engaging students in the learning process--a challenging goal when clinical practicums and supervisors are limited. High-fidelity simulation has created many new opportunities for educating healthcare professi …
Improving wound care simulation with the addition of odor: a descriptive, quasi-experimental study - PubMed
An experimental study on estimating human error probability (HEP) parameters for PSA/HRA by using human model simulation - PubMed
An experimental study on estimating human error probability (HEP) parameters for PSA/HRA by using human model simulation - PubMed
A framework of Human Error Probability (HEP) parameters, which is needed for Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) within a practice of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) of Nuclear Power Plant is first proposed. Then a laboratory experiment was conducted in order to construct a computer simulation mo …
An experimental study on estimating human error probability (HEP) parameters for PSA/HRA by using human model simulation - PubMed