Livestock value chains

Can functional hologenomics aid tackling current challenges in plant breeding? | Briefings in Functional Genomics | Oxford Academic
Associate Professor in Applied Hologenomics (University of Copenhagen)
Post doctoral researcher in salmon hologenomics | EURAXESS
Frontiers | The Internal, External and Extended Microbiomes of Hominins | Ecology and Evolution
Meet our new researcher Sandra Breum Andersen.mp4 - Københavns Universitets Videoportal
Publications | Kevin R. Theis, Ph.D.
The hologenome theory of evolution contains Lamarckian aspects within a Darwinian framework - Rosenberg - 2009 - Environmental Microbiology - Wiley Online Library
Postdoc Positions In Copenhagen -
Genome Evolution of Coral Reef Symbionts as Intracellular Residents - ScienceDirect
Host-microbe interactions in octocoral holobionts - recent advances and perspectives | Microbiome | Full Text
News Bulletin of International HoloGenomics Society
AlphaGalileo > Item Display
Food | Root Simple
PhD position in reindeer evolution throughout the Pleistocene | EURAXESS
Elisabetta Cilli — University of Bologna — Collaborations
Mediating mutualisms: farm management practices and evolutionary changes in symbiont co‐operation - Kiers - 2002 - Journal of Applied Ecology - Wiley Online Library
Nyt Center of Excellence skal undersøge, hvordan samspillet mellem gener og mikrober bestemmer den biologiske evolution – Københavns Universitet
Love Nature: The Biophilia Podcast • A podcast on Anchor
Career Development / NCSU Virtual Career Month
118 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at The University of Copenhagen, Denmark - Scholar Idea
Watershed Moments: Rob Dunn, NCSU | University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Global Bugs | John G Thomas
Fermentation | Root Simple
The Expanding Genetic Toolbox of the Wasp Nasonia vitripennis and Its Relatives | Genetics
Lane Atmore - CEES - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis
News Bulletin of International HoloGenomics Society
PhD fellowship on chicken hologenomics at the GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |