Speaker Details: 2021 Animal Microbiome USA

Hologenomics: Systems-Level Host Biology - PubMed
Darwin Day 2020: Sequencing life – for the future of life - CEES - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis
Extended survival of Pleistocene Siberian wolves into the early 20th century on the island of Honshū – Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Virtual OMSI Science Pub: The Evolution of Flavor – gorgecurrent.com
Open Positions - HoloFood
How we think about what it means to be alive will always depend on what questions we ask | Books, Et Al.
Jaelle Brealey - NTNU
Holobiont - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader
Antton Alberdi - Google Scholar
Anna Fotaki instructor for Transmitting Science
Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics – University of Copenhagen
Meet the Researchers - PhD student Jacob explains about his research on salmonoids and hologenomics - YouTube
Holobiont and Hologenomics Internal Workshop - YouTube
FindingPheno develops new tools to disentangle biological interactions between host and microbiomes - YouTube
About the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics – University of Copenhagen
Hologenomics - Wikipedia
Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics
Section for Evolutionary Genomics – University of Copenhagen
Upcoming – Club EvMed
Hologenomics: Systems-Level Host Biology | mSystems
Hologenome theory of evolution - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader
A Primer on and Conversation About the Biology and Evolution of COVID-19 | NC State Extension
Who is stirring the waters? | Science
Magic, symmetry, and twisted matter | Science
“Birth” of the modern ocean twilight zone | Science
Fungi prevent intestinal healing | Science
Using digital twins in viral infection | Science