A study-specific fMRI normalization approach that operates directly on high resolution functional EPI data at 7 Tesla - PubMed

Online maintenance of sensory and motor representations: effects on corticospinal excitability - PubMed
Genetic load on amygdala hypofunction during sadness in nonaffected brothers of schizophrenia patients - PubMed
Interactions between posterior gamma and frontal alpha/beta oscillations during imagined actions - PubMed
Inability to directly detect magnetic field changes associated with neuronal activity - PubMed
Movement preparation and working memory: a behavioural dissociation - PubMed
Repetition suppression dissociates spatial frames of reference in human saccade generation - PubMed
Sources of variability in human communicative skills - PubMed
Increase in prefrontal cortical volume following cognitive behavioural therapy in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome - PubMed
Neural substrates of olfactory processing in schizophrenia patients and their healthy relatives - PubMed
Cerebral changes during performance of overlearned arbitrary visuomotor associations - PubMed
Neural correlates of the chronic fatigue syndrome--an fMRI study - PubMed
Cerebral coherence between communicators marks the emergence of meaning - PubMed
The role of immediate and final goals in action planning: an fMRI study - PubMed
Investigating neural mechanisms of change of cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Communicating without a functioning language system: implications for the role of language in mentalizing - PubMed
NA-CONTROL: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to compare specific outpatient rehabilitation that targets cerebral mechanisms through relearning motor control and uses self-management strategies to improve functional capability of the upper extremity, to usual care in patients with neuralgic amyotrophy - PubMed
Increased dependence of action selection on recent motor history in Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Cerebral pathological and compensatory mechanisms in the premotor phase of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 parkinsonism - PubMed
Connectivity-based subdivisions of the human right "temporoparietal junction area": evidence for different areas participating in different cortical networks - PubMed
Neural dynamics of error processing in medial frontal cortex - PubMed
Gray matter volume reduction in the chronic fatigue syndrome - PubMed
Movement-specific repetition suppression in ventral and dorsal premotor cortex during action observation - PubMed
Understanding effector selectivity in human posterior parietal cortex by combining information patterns and activation measures - PubMed
Different brains process numbers differently: structural bases of individual differences in spatial and nonspatial number representations - PubMed
Changes of cortico-striatal effective connectivity during visuomotor learning - PubMed
Neural topography and content of movement representations - PubMed
Fatigue Is Associated With Altered Monitoring and Preparation of Physical Effort in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - PubMed
Cerebellar theta burst stimulation does not improve freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Compensatory activity in the extrastriate body area of Parkinson's disease patients - PubMed