Distinct roles for alpha- and beta-band oscillations during mental simulation of goal-directed actions - PubMed

Anterior prefrontal cortex inhibition impairs control over social emotional actions - PubMed
Body-specific motor imagery of hand actions: neural evidence from right- and left-handers - PubMed
Endogenous testosterone modulates prefrontal-amygdala connectivity during social emotional behavior - PubMed
Increased self-monitoring during imagined movements in conversion paralysis - PubMed
Altered connectivity between prefrontal and sensorimotor cortex in conversion paralysis - PubMed
Intentional communication: computationally easy or difficult? - PubMed
Neural dissociations between action verb understanding and motor imagery - PubMed
Reduced parietal connectivity with a premotor writing area in writer's cramp - PubMed
Eye'm talking to you: speakers' gaze direction modulates co-speech gesture processing in the right MTG - PubMed
Writer's cramp: increased dorsal premotor activity during intended writing - PubMed
Using motor imagery to study the neural substrates of dynamic balance - PubMed
On the neural control of social emotional behavior - PubMed
Impaired dual tasking in Parkinson's disease is associated with reduced focusing of cortico-striatal activity - PubMed
Decoupling of BOLD amplitude and pattern classification of orientation-selective activity in human visual cortex - PubMed
Correction to: Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3-tDCS): rationale and protocol of a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study - PubMed
Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation modulates timing but not acquisition of conditioned eyeblink responses in SCA3 patients - PubMed
Testosterone Modulates Altered Prefrontal Control of Emotional Actions in Psychopathic Offenders(1,2,3) - PubMed
Independent Causal Contributions of Alpha- and Beta-Band Oscillations during Movement Selection - PubMed
Independent Causal Contributions of Alpha- and Beta-Band Oscillations during Movement Selection - PubMed
Hierarchical organization of parietofrontal circuits during goal-directed action - PubMed
Emotionally Aversive Cues Suppress Neural Systems Underlying Optimal Learning in Socially Anxious Individuals - PubMed
Prefrontal Structure Varies as a Function of Pain Symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - PubMed
Reduced serotonin transporter availability decreases prefrontal control of the amygdala - PubMed
Reorganization of corticostriatal circuits in healthy G2019S LRRK2 carriers - PubMed
Altered sensorimotor representations after recovery from peripheral nerve damage in neuralgic amyotrophy - PubMed
A dissociation between linguistic and communicative abilities in the human brain - PubMed
Human Lateral Frontal Pole Contributes to Control over Emotional Approach-Avoidance Actions - PubMed
The Extrastriate Body Area Computes Desired Goal States during Action Planning - PubMed
Cerebral Adaptation Associated with Peripheral Nerve Recovery in Neuralgic Amyotrophy: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed