Cognitive load amplifies Parkinson's tremor through excitatory network influences onto the thalamus - PubMed

Effects of dopamine on reinforcement learning in Parkinson's disease depend on motor phenotype - PubMed
On the programming and reprogramming of actions - PubMed
Early-life and pubertal stress differentially modulate grey matter development in human adolescents - PubMed
Communicative knowledge pervasively influences sensorimotor computations - PubMed
Cortical Oscillatory Mechanisms Supporting the Control of Human Social-Emotional Actions - PubMed
Delay-related cerebral activity and motor preparation - PubMed
Parieto-frontal connectivity during visually guided grasping - PubMed
Neural Control of Emotional Actions in Response to Affective Vocalizations - PubMed
Understanding communicative actions: a repetitive TMS study - PubMed
Dopamine controls Parkinson's tremor by inhibiting the cerebellar thalamus - PubMed
Dopaminergic Modulation of the Functional Ventrodorsal Architecture of the Human Striatum - PubMed
Electrocorticographic dissociation of alpha and beta rhythmic activity in the human sensorimotor system - PubMed
Complementary systems for understanding action intentions - PubMed
Testosterone biases the amygdala toward social threat approach - PubMed
The Effects of a TMS Double Perturbation to a Cortical Network - PubMed
GABAergic changes in the thalamocortical circuit in Parkinson's disease - PubMed
Perceptuo-motor interactions during prehension movements - PubMed
Improving emotional-action control by targeting long-range phase-amplitude neuronal coupling - PubMed
Constructing Others' Beliefs from One's Own Using Medial Frontal Cortex - PubMed
Brain mechanisms underlying human communication - PubMed
The experience of fatigue in the brain - PubMed
Visuomotor processing is altered after peripheral nerve damage in neuralgic amyotrophy - PubMed
Get to grips with motivation: Slipping and gripping movements are biased by approach-avoidance context - PubMed
Cerebral differences between dopamine-resistant and dopamine-responsive Parkinson's tremor - PubMed
Recipient design in tacit communication - PubMed
Comparable mechanisms for action and language: neural systems behind intentions, goals, and means - PubMed
Cerebello-thalamic activity drives an abnormal motor network into dystonic tremor - PubMed
Beyond the Isolated Brain: The Promise and Challenge of Interacting Minds - PubMed
Anxious individuals shift emotion control from lateral frontal pole to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex - PubMed