Oxytocin Modulates Semantic Integration in Speech Comprehension - PubMed

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A neurocognitive theory of flexible emotion control: The role of the lateral frontal pole in emotion regulation - PubMed
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Oxytocin reduces amygdala responses during threat approach - PubMed
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Divine madness - Wikipedia
Real-time recombinase-aided amplification with PMAxx for the rapid detection of viable Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk - ScienceDirect
Homeostatic disturbance of thermoregulatory functions in rats with chronic fatigue - ScienceDirect
Core body temperature is normal in chronic fatigue syndrome - ScienceDirect
Thermal biology of the laboratory rat - ScienceDirect
Chronic fatigue syndrome - ScienceDirect
Biophysical aspects of human thermoregulation during heat stress - ScienceDirect
Regulation of Body Temperature by the Nervous System - ScienceDirect
UCSF DERC (P30-DK06372) and NORC (P30-DK098722). This work was supported by DP2-DK109533, R01-NS094781, and R01-DK106399 (Z.A.K.). - Google Search