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Joint User Scheduling, Phase Shift Control, and Beamforming Optimization in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Systems | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Joint User Scheduling, Phase Shift Control, and Beamforming Optimization in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Systems | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
In this paper, we formulate a joint uplink scheduling, phase shift control, and beamforming optimization problem in intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-aided systems. We consider maximizing the aggregate throughput and achieving the proportional fairness as objectives. We propose a deep reinforcement learning-based user scheduling, phase shift control, beamforming optimization (DUPB) algorithm to solve the joint problem. The proposed DUPB algorithm applies the neural combinatorial optimization (NCO) technique to solve the user scheduling subproblem, in which a stochastic user scheduling policy is learned by deep neural networks with attention mechanism. Curriculum learning with deep deterministic policy gradient (CL-DDPG) is used in the proposed DUPB algorithm to jointly optimize the phase shift control and beamforming vectors. The knowledge on the hidden convexity of the joint problem is exploited to facilitate the policy learning in CL-DDPG. Simulation results show that, with the maximum aggregate throughput as the objective, the proposed DUPB algorithm achieves an aggregate throughput that is higher than the alternating optimization (AO)-based algorithms. Moreover, the throughput fairness among the users is improved when proportional fairness is used as the objective. The proposed DUPB algorithm outperforms the AO-based algorithms in terms of runtime when the number of reflecting elements is large.
Joint User Scheduling, Phase Shift Control, and Beamforming Optimization in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Systems | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Considerations for the future development of virtual technology as a rehabilitation tool - PMC
Considerations for the future development of virtual technology as a rehabilitation tool - PMC
Virtual environments (VE) are a powerful tool for various forms of rehabilitation. Coupling VE with high-speed networking [Tele-Immersion] that approaches speeds of 100 Gb/sec can greatly expand its influence in rehabilitation. Accordingly, these new ...
Considerations for the future development of virtual technology as a rehabilitation tool - PMC
Haptic Perception, Mechanics, and Material Technologies for Virtual Reality - Biswas - 2021 - Advanced Functional Materials - Wiley Online Library
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
In this paper, a novel framework for guaranteeing ultra-reliable millimeter wave (mmW) communications using multiple artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) is proposed. The use of multiple AI-powered RISs allows changing the propagation direction of the signals transmitted from a mmW access point (AP) thereby improving coverage particularly for non-line-of-sight (NLoS) areas. However, due to the possibility of highly stochastic blockage over mmW links, designing an intelligent controller to jointly optimize the mmW AP beam and RIS phase shifts is a daunting task. In this regard, first, a parametric risk-sensitive episodic return is proposed to maximize the expected bitrate and mitigate the risk of mmW link blockage. Then, a closed-form approximation of the policy gradient of the risk-sensitive episodic return is analytically derived. Next, the problem of joint beamforming for mmW AP and phase shift control for mmW RISs is modeled as an identical payoff stochastic game within a cooperative multi-agent environment, in which the agents are the mmW AP and the RISs. Two centralized and distributed controllers are proposed to control the policies of the mmW AP and RISs. To directly find a near optimal solution, the parametric functional-form policies for the controllers are modeled using deep recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The deep RNN-based controllers are then trained based on the derived closed-form gradient of the risk-sensitive episodic return. It is proved that the gradient update algorithm converges to the same locally optimal parameters as the deep RNN-based centralized and distributed controllers. Simulation results show that the error between the policies of the optimal and the RNN-based controllers is less than 1.5%. Moreover, the variance of the achievable rates resulting from the deep RNN-based controllers is 60% less than the variance of the risk-averse baseline.
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
In this paper, a novel framework for guaranteeing ultra-reliable millimeter wave (mmW) communications using multiple artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) is proposed. The use of multiple AI-powered RISs allows changing the propagation direction of the signals transmitted from a mmW access point (AP) thereby improving coverage particularly for non-line-of-sight (NLoS) areas. However, due to the possibility of highly stochastic blockage over mmW links, designing an intelligent controller to jointly optimize the mmW AP beam and RIS phase shifts is a daunting task. In this regard, first, a parametric risk-sensitive episodic return is proposed to maximize the expected bitrate and mitigate the risk of mmW link blockage. Then, a closed-form approximation of the policy gradient of the risk-sensitive episodic return is analytically derived. Next, the problem of joint beamforming for mmW AP and phase shift control for mmW RISs is modeled as an identical payoff stochastic game within a cooperative multi-agent environment, in which the agents are the mmW AP and the RISs. Two centralized and distributed controllers are proposed to control the policies of the mmW AP and RISs. To directly find a near optimal solution, the parametric functional-form policies for the controllers are modeled using deep recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The deep RNN-based controllers are then trained based on the derived closed-form gradient of the risk-sensitive episodic return. It is proved that the gradient update algorithm converges to the same locally optimal parameters as the deep RNN-based centralized and distributed controllers. Simulation results show that the error between the policies of the optimal and the RNN-based controllers is less than 1.5%. Moreover, the variance of the achievable rates resulting from the deep RNN-based controllers is 60% less than the variance of the risk-averse baseline.
Ultra-Reliable Indoor Millimeter Wave Communications Using Multiple Artificial Intelligence-Powered Intelligent Surfaces | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
virtual reality high-bandwidth communications and high-resolution haptics - Presearch
Wireless Network Accurately and Inexpensively Monitors Patients' Breathing
Wireless Network Accurately and Inexpensively Monitors Patients' Breathing
A couple years ago we saw wireless technology that would allow us to see through walls. Now, the same team of researchers, from the University of Utah, is putting that motion detection technology to work monitoring breathing patterns. So not only can the network see through your bedroom wall, it can hear you breathing.
Wireless Network Accurately and Inexpensively Monitors Patients' Breathing
Ex Gang Stalking Operative Explains Tactics And Motives : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Gang stalking tactics of targeted individuals gangstalking sheriffs department behind harassment - YouTube
Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain - HubPages
Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain - HubPages
HAVE you ever thought about something you never shared with anyone, and have been horror-struck at the mere thought of someone coming to know about your little secret? If you have, then you probably have all the more reason to be paranoid now thanks...
Remote Neural Monitoring : A Technology Used For Controlling Human Brain - HubPages
This reality is so far fetched. The only difference between fact and fiction is fiction needs to make sense. : Gangstalking
For more information on tactics being used on people who have been judged worthy of torture and death without a trial, see the CounterInsurgency Manual 2014. Gangstalking, the Community Policing (COPS program) and the CounterInsurgency Manual (2005, revised 2014) have the same tactics for Non-Kinetic (no-bullet) Warfare: SEPARATE (electronic warfare and information collection), ISOLATE (break the psychological and physical links to support), INFLUENCE (Radiate) Biometric data collection devices and mapping human environment and patterns of life, Tracking medical records, Biometrically enabled intelligence collection, Tattletale Phonelines for good little villagers, Civil Record Databases (no privacy), Rewards Programs (paying civilians to identify insurgents/targeted individuals), forensic intelligence collection (phone tapping, cameras in your home, GPS on your car, radiation devices installed in electrics in home) and document and media exploitation and more. The same tactics developed over the years to control other countries and cultures in wars overseas, especially, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, are being used against Americans with deadly precision.
Why Humanoid Robots Are Still So Hard to Make Useful
Why Humanoid Robots Are Still So Hard to Make Useful
There are constant efforts to create something like the robots of science fiction. So, why are visions of truly useful humanoid robots still so elusive?
Why Humanoid Robots Are Still So Hard to Make Useful
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021
Ever wished you could be in two places at the same time? The XPRIZE Foundation wants to make that a reality with a $10 million competition to build robot avatars that can be controlled from at least 100 kilometers away.
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021 / 2045 Initiative
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021 / 2045 Initiative
Ever wished you could be in two places at the same time? The XPRIZE Foundation wants to make that a reality with a $10 million competition to build robot avatars that can be controlled from at least 100 kilometers away.
$10 million XPRIZE Aims for Robot Avatars That Let You See, Hear, and Feel by 2021 / 2045 Initiative
"Gang stalking isn't real" - YouTube
"Gang stalking isn't real" - YouTube
Police officers and others sentenced for gang stalking mother
"Gang stalking isn't real" - YouTube
More One Headlight Gangstalkers - A Target In The Crosshairs - YouTube
More One Headlight Gangstalkers - A Target In The Crosshairs - YouTube
Transcript: Organized Gang Stalking is a harassment and discrediting campaign waged against a targeted individual. Coordinated psychological warfare attacks, consisting of stalkings, noise campaigns, sensitizing to psychological tactics such as having the target being surrounded by vehicles with only one working headlight, and the spreading of lies and rumors are executed in an effort to neutralize and mentally damage the target. It seeks to destroy every aspect of a targeted individual’s life. A targeted individual in considered an undesirable by the cult. This "cult" backed by the state & society. Slander and rumors about the target are spread by agents who reside in the target’s community. The target will shortly find themselves to be a scapegoat for the cult, an MK-Ultra subject victimized to psychological torture. They will be harassed and monitored by the neighborhood watch, paid perpetrators, ex-convicts, the Freemasonic Lodges and churches (Satanic or Religious), as well as government and Law enforcement agencies who will be coordinating the psychological torture and synchronization via artificial intelligence technology. Sensitization techniques are used to condition the target psychologically in order to let them know they are being watched and to ultimately have them either commit suicide, have a mental breakdown, or more. In my case the cult surrounds me by one headlight vehicles every minute of the day, hazard lights and open car doors every few blocks. Fake coughing by store employees and passers-by. it’s a type of ruthless organized harassment based in “abuse” for trauma-based infliction, BEHAVIOR and BELIEF modification and control through synthetic hypnosis, psychological projection & reverse psychology with focus on the target’s subconscious. In order for this to work on a larger scale a target is DEHUMANIZED (which means that they have no human rights such as rights, privacy & safety) It's a global psychological operations with a central command & control hub. In any Gang Stalking, the first thing is to alter the state of the target's mind & effectively brainwash it by affecting interpretation & perception ability. Hypnosis, sensitization, anchoring, triggers, key words & such is used which is more effective the more a target is exposed to perpetrators whether online or offline - that's why they desperately want the target’s attention. They know a target often very well. Another way to see it is that they are programming a target's mind through controlling external stimuli - in my case it’s one headlight vehicles installed with wig wag switches operated by cult members - it’ s an almost complete hostile take-over of a targets life by "indirect soft force" & it's made most intense at the start as to condition & program the mind to view the world in a way the sponsors of the psychological operation want. The way to achieve this is to focus on what the target is focusing on to manipulate that or create psychological operations which might be a person that a target is interacting with. So they contact the person in question & convince them to become a perpetrator. However, the most effective way to achieve all of this is through making a target irrational, in despair, by trauma, to use emotions, to create distress inside by outside events & such. They operate on one basic but powerful emotion which is HATE. Hate is what is supposed to be that which is manifested through mocking, harassment, sabotage & so forth. This is the total opposite of LOVE thus being in the "Gang Stalking" program is supposed to make you feel like no one loves you. Information about the target is ILLEGALLY obtained & used only when the target brings up subjects pertaining to that information. This is a sort of gas lighting, but through advanced signals & human surveillance. Gangstalking is: Meant to read thoughts, emotions & such. It’s meant to be seen, heard, and felt. It’s meant have a mental & emotional effect. All experience is supposed to be internalized (many times over time) It’s meant to condition a behavior, a belief, an intepretation, a perception and to change a target in various ways, This is a cruel program which must be exposed for what it really is. Psychological torture being performed on innocents under the guise of a false investigation. My privacy and Sovereign rights have been eroded and I will not stand for this any longer.
More One Headlight Gangstalkers - A Target In The Crosshairs - YouTube
Advertisers Plan To Use 'Dream-Hacking' To Implant Branding Into Your Dreams
Advertisers Plan To Use 'Dream-Hacking' To Implant Branding Into Your Dreams
77 per cent of all marketers plan to use dream incubation techniques with advertising within the next three years.
Advertisers Plan To Use 'Dream-Hacking' To Implant Branding Into Your Dreams
Apparently this what the V2K observer sees when they target you. : Gangstalking
Quantum Entanglement - MedNorthwest
Quantum Entanglement - MedNorthwest
No aspect of physics is more perplexing than the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. It was introduced to me during my undergraduate days at UCLA in classes
Quantum Entanglement - MedNorthwest