Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells - PubMed

Specific suppression of lupus-like graft-versus-host disease using extracorporeal photochemical attenuation of effector lymphocytes - PubMed
Depletion of CD8+ T cells suppresses the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in Lewis rats - PubMed
Nicotinamide and diabetes prevention - PubMed
Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-b receptor agonist, delays diabetes onset in the non-obese diabetic mouse - PubMed
Tolerance induction as a therapeutic strategy for the control of autoimmune endocrine disease in mouse models - PubMed
[Prevention of aging and sports medicine. The Zurich senior sports study] - PubMed
[Premorbid stage and certain measures for the prevention of infectious non-specific (rheumatoid) polyarthritis] - PubMed
Does diabetic control matter? - PubMed
6-mercaptopurine administration to NZB mice - PubMed
IgA deficiency, antigenic barriers, and autoimmunity - PubMed
[Induced abortion and marriage counseling in multiple sclerosis] - PubMed
Some pitfalls of the case-control approach to the investigation of rheumatoid disease - PubMed
[Prevention and treatment of posttraumatic arthrosis deformans of the knee joint] - PubMed
The prevention of autoimmunity to the thyroid and allergic thyroiditis bantigenic competition - PubMed
Do oral contraceptives prevent rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
The Emergence of Employees' Change Readiness for Energy-Conservation Behavior During Guided Group Discussions - PubMed
Assessment of Radiation-Induced Optic Neuropathy in a Multi-Institutional Cohort of Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma Patients Treated with Proton Therapy - PubMed
Resurgent Sodium Current in Neurons of the Cerebral Cortex - PubMed
The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample - PubMed
Influence of Cost and Self-Control on Individual Donation Behavior: The Promoting Effect of Self-Affirmation - PubMed
Influence of Psychological Nursing Intervention on Psychological State, Treatment Compliance, and Immune Function of Postoperative Patients with Rectal Cancer - PubMed
In Regard to Wages et al and Leite et al - PubMed
In Reply to Fiorino et al - PubMed
Feasibility of a virtually delivered eating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes - PubMed
Should we aim for personalized prevention in individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
How to enhance recruitment of individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis into trials aimed at prevention: understanding the barriers and facilitators - PubMed
Unmasking power as foundational to research on sexual and reproductive health and rights - PubMed
Postdoc survey reveals disenchantment with working life - PubMed
Biological activities of deoxyspergualin in autoimmune disease mice - PubMed