

#methinione #stimulation #immunotherapy #estrogen
Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells - PubMed
Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells - PubMed
We describe the induction and prevention of autoimmune insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and its pathological substrate, insulitis, in congenitally athymic nude rats following injections of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) compatible lymph node T cells. The cells capable of adoptive …
Adoptive transfer of autoimmune diabetes mellitus to athymic rats: synergy of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and prevention by RT6+ T cells - PubMed
Specific suppression of lupus-like graft-versus-host disease using extracorporeal photochemical attenuation of effector lymphocytes - PubMed
Specific suppression of lupus-like graft-versus-host disease using extracorporeal photochemical attenuation of effector lymphocytes - PubMed
(C57BL/6 x DBA/2)F1 (B6D2F1) mice inoculated with parental DBA/2 (D2) splenocytes develop chronic stimulatory graft-versus-host reaction with many of the clinical manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. This investigation tested the ability of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and ultraviolet A (UVA …
Specific suppression of lupus-like graft-versus-host disease using extracorporeal photochemical attenuation of effector lymphocytes - PubMed
Depletion of CD8+ T cells suppresses the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in Lewis rats - PubMed
Depletion of CD8+ T cells suppresses the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in Lewis rats - PubMed
To understand the role of CD8+ T cells in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG), CD8+ T cells were depleted by injecting a monoclonal anti-rat CD8 antibody (OX8) into Lewis rats immunized with Torpedo acetylcholine receptor (AChR) in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). CD8-depleted EAMG rat …
Depletion of CD8+ T cells suppresses the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in Lewis rats - PubMed
Nicotinamide and diabetes prevention - PubMed
Nicotinamide and diabetes prevention - PubMed
Individuals at high risk of developing insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus can now be identified by immunologic testing. This ability to predict future cases of IDDM raises the possibility of intervention to prevent the disease. An intervention study in New Zealand using nicotinamide treatment showe …
Nicotinamide and diabetes prevention - PubMed
Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-b receptor agonist, delays diabetes onset in the non-obese diabetic mouse - PubMed
Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-b receptor agonist, delays diabetes onset in the non-obese diabetic mouse - PubMed
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GAD has been identified as a 64-kDa antigen expressed in pancreatic beta-cells, to which autoantibodies are generated prior to the onset of type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. G …
Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-b receptor agonist, delays diabetes onset in the non-obese diabetic mouse - PubMed
Tolerance induction as a therapeutic strategy for the control of autoimmune endocrine disease in mouse models - PubMed
Tolerance induction as a therapeutic strategy for the control of autoimmune endocrine disease in mouse models - PubMed
This chapter aims to describe ways in which autoimmunity can be prevented or reversed and 'self-tolerance' re-established. To this end we have largely restricted our overview to the two main autoimmune disease models with which we are involved, i.e. IDDM in NOD mice and EAT in H-2k mice although, wh …
Tolerance induction as a therapeutic strategy for the control of autoimmune endocrine disease in mouse models - PubMed
[Prevention of aging and sports medicine. The Zurich senior sports study] - PubMed
[Premorbid stage and certain measures for the prevention of infectious non-specific (rheumatoid) polyarthritis] - PubMed
Does diabetic control matter? - PubMed
Does diabetic control matter? - PubMed
Whether achieving normoglycemia is beneficial or dangerous to the diabetic patient has been a matter of debate. The authors explore such issues as the prevention or reversal of complications with tight metabolic control, and the methods currently available to achieve normoglycemia.
Does diabetic control matter? - PubMed
IgA deficiency, antigenic barriers, and autoimmunity - PubMed
6-mercaptopurine administration to NZB mice - PubMed
[Induced abortion and marriage counseling in multiple sclerosis] - PubMed
Some pitfalls of the case-control approach to the investigation of rheumatoid disease - PubMed
[Prevention and treatment of posttraumatic arthrosis deformans of the knee joint] - PubMed
The prevention of autoimmunity to the thyroid and allergic thyroiditis bantigenic competition - PubMed
Do oral contraceptives prevent rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
Do oral contraceptives prevent rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
Two studies have suggested that the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women using oral contraceptives is less than half that of nonusers. When a third study from the Mayo Clinic failed to confirm these findings, it was criticized for inclusion of ineligible subjects, misclassification of oral contrace …
Do oral contraceptives prevent rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
The Emergence of Employees' Change Readiness for Energy-Conservation Behavior During Guided Group Discussions - PubMed
The Emergence of Employees' Change Readiness for Energy-Conservation Behavior During Guided Group Discussions - PubMed
Studies of energy conservation efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector are abundant; however similar efforts in organizations have not received as much attention as they deserve. In this study, we focus on methods for increasing employees' readiness to change their behav …
The Emergence of Employees' Change Readiness for Energy-Conservation Behavior During Guided Group Discussions - PubMed
Assessment of Radiation-Induced Optic Neuropathy in a Multi-Institutional Cohort of Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma Patients Treated with Proton Therapy - PubMed
Assessment of Radiation-Induced Optic Neuropathy in a Multi-Institutional Cohort of Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma Patients Treated with Proton Therapy - PubMed
Radiation-induced optic neuropathy (RION) is a rare side effect following radiation therapy involving the optic structures whose onset is, due to the low amount of available data, challenging to predict. We have analyzed a multi-institutional cohort including 289 skull-base cancer patients treated w …
Assessment of Radiation-Induced Optic Neuropathy in a Multi-Institutional Cohort of Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma Patients Treated with Proton Therapy - PubMed
The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample - PubMed
The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample - PubMed
COVID-19 has brought a massive psychological impact on individuals' life. The current study sets a significant purpose to test the model whether post-traumatic stress and coping strategies affect stress-related growth regarding the COVID-19 event. One hundred and ninety-nine participants have partic …
The Consequences of COVID-19 Toward Human Growth: The Role of Traumatic Event and Coping Strategies Among Indonesian Sample - PubMed
Resurgent Sodium Current in Neurons of the Cerebral Cortex - PubMed
Resurgent Sodium Current in Neurons of the Cerebral Cortex - PubMed
In the late '90, Dr. Indira Raman, at the time a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Bruce Bean, at Harvard University, identified a new type of sodium current, flowing through the channels that reopens when the membrane is repolarized. This current, called "resurgent Sodium current," was originally identi …
Resurgent Sodium Current in Neurons of the Cerebral Cortex - PubMed
Influence of Cost and Self-Control on Individual Donation Behavior: The Promoting Effect of Self-Affirmation - PubMed
Influence of Cost and Self-Control on Individual Donation Behavior: The Promoting Effect of Self-Affirmation - PubMed
Self-affirmation could promote the donation behavior of individuals with low self-control ability and those with self-control resource exhaustion, whether donation's cost was high or low. Self-affirmation plays a crucial role for boosting individuals' donation behavior.
Influence of Cost and Self-Control on Individual Donation Behavior: The Promoting Effect of Self-Affirmation - PubMed
Influence of Psychological Nursing Intervention on Psychological State, Treatment Compliance, and Immune Function of Postoperative Patients with Rectal Cancer - PubMed
Influence of Psychological Nursing Intervention on Psychological State, Treatment Compliance, and Immune Function of Postoperative Patients with Rectal Cancer - PubMed
In order to explore the clinical effect of psychological nursing intervention on postoperative chemotherapy for rectal cancer, 120 cases of rectal cancer patients were selected as the research subjects. The control group received conventional nursing treatment after operation, and the research group …
Influence of Psychological Nursing Intervention on Psychological State, Treatment Compliance, and Immune Function of Postoperative Patients with Rectal Cancer - PubMed
In Regard to Wages et al and Leite et al - PubMed
In Reply to Fiorino et al - PubMed
Feasibility of a virtually delivered eating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes - PubMed
Feasibility of a virtually delivered eating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes - PubMed
The virtual Diabetes Body Project is a promising and much-needed intervention, worthy of more rigorous evaluation. A randomized controlled trial is warranted to determine its effectiveness compared with a control condition.
Feasibility of a virtually delivered eating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes - PubMed
Should we aim for personalized prevention in individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis? - PubMed
How to enhance recruitment of individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis into trials aimed at prevention: understanding the barriers and facilitators - PubMed
How to enhance recruitment of individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis into trials aimed at prevention: understanding the barriers and facilitators - PubMed
To enhance inclusion in trials aimed to prevent RA, the results suggest to use strategies such as optimising education about RA, personal risk, trial aim and trial medication, explicitly addressing misconceptions and concerns, using tools to improve information provision, limiting study burden in tr …
How to enhance recruitment of individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis into trials aimed at prevention: understanding the barriers and facilitators - PubMed
Unmasking power as foundational to research on sexual and reproductive health and rights - PubMed
Postdoc survey reveals disenchantment with working life - PubMed
Biological activities of deoxyspergualin in autoimmune disease mice - PubMed
Biological activities of deoxyspergualin in autoimmune disease mice - PubMed
An assessment of the prophylactic and ameliorative effects of deoxyspergualin (NKT-01), an immunosuppressive agent, was carried out in male MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr (MRL/1) mice which spontaneously develop lupus-like lesions. When NKT-01 was administered ip daily from the age of either 8 or 19 weeks, disease …
Biological activities of deoxyspergualin in autoimmune disease mice - PubMed