Persistence is the twin sister of excellence: an important lesson for attempts to prevent and reverse type 1 diabetes - PubMed

Antenatal management of fetal alloimmune and autoimmune thrombocytopenia - PubMed
Prevention of T1DM: feeding the ultimate goal - PubMed
Prevention of autoimmune rheumatic disease: state of the art and future perspectives - PubMed
Strategies to prevent rheumatoid arthritis in high-risk patients - PubMed
Help stop tooth decay...and prevent RA? - PubMed
Therapy: Gut-mediated autoimmune arthritis treated with antibiotics - PubMed
T cell vaccination in rheumatoid arthritis - PubMed
The 'hygiene hypothesis' for autoimmune and allergic diseases: an update - PubMed
Affirmed yet unaware: exploring the role of awareness in the process of self-affirmation - PubMed
Do we need autoimmune disease units in hospitals? - PubMed
Revolutionary advances in the prevention of demyelinating diseases - PubMed
MRI for monitoring response to preventive treatment in multiple sclerosis - PubMed
Prevention of diabetes mellitus in BB rats by neonatal stimulation of beta cells - PubMed
25 years of the antiphospholipid syndrome: lights and shadows on the primary prophylaxis of asymptomatic patients with confirmed positivity of antiphospholipid antibodies - PubMed
Testosterone-induced suppression of autoimmune disease in lacrimal tissue of a mouse model (NZB/NZW F1) of Sjögren's syndrome - PubMed
The autoimmunologist: geoepidemiology, a new center of gravity, and prime time for autoimmunity - PubMed
Transplantation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell ameliorates the autoimmune pathogenesis in MRL/lpr mice - PubMed
[Pregnancy and antiphospholipid antibodies] - PubMed
[Auto-inflammatory syndromes and pregnancy] - PubMed
Moderate alcohol drinking might be protective for systemic lupus erythematosus: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed
An orally bioavailable spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitor delays disease progression and prolongs survival in murine lupus - PubMed
Prevention of type 1 diabetes: the time has come - PubMed
Prevention of recurrent but not spontaneous autoimmune diabetes by transplanted NOD islets adenovirally transduced with immunomodulating molecules - PubMed
Whole-body hyperthermia attenuates experimental autoimmune myocarditis in the rat - PubMed
Eculizumab prevents anti-ganglioside antibody-mediated neuropathy in a murine model - PubMed
Prediction and prevention of autoimmune disease: a personal perspective - PubMed
WITHDRAWN: Very tight versus tight control for diabetes in pregnancy - PubMed
Breeding cheats - PubMed
Prevention of diabetes in BB/Wor rats by intrathymic islet injection - PubMed