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Resilience in mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic - PubMed
Resilience in mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic - PubMed
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has brought immense psychological pressure and disruptions to daily life for all individuals, and particularly children, parents, and families. Despite these difficulties, parents are able to show resilience through adaptive coping and positive parenting b …
Resilience in mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic - PubMed
Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial - PubMed
Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial - PubMed
FNI-NICU is designed to facilitate autonomic emotional connection and coregulation between mothers and infants in the NICU resulting in profound effects on early brain development.
Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial - PubMed
Individual differences in symptoms of maternal depression and associations with parenting behavior - PubMed
Individual differences in symptoms of maternal depression and associations with parenting behavior - PubMed
Links between global levels of maternal depressive symptoms and parenting behavior in early childhood are well established. However, depression is a heterogeneous disorder and little is known about how individual differences in depression symptoms may be differentially associated with different type …
Individual differences in symptoms of maternal depression and associations with parenting behavior - PubMed
Mindful with your baby for mothers of infants with (parental) stress in a non-clinical setting: a wait-list controlled pilot trial - PubMed
Mindful with your baby for mothers of infants with (parental) stress in a non-clinical setting: a wait-list controlled pilot trial - PubMed
Mindful with Your Baby appears an acceptable and effective intervention for mothers with a baby who experience (parental) stress but who have not been referred to specialized mental health care. A low threshold access to Mindful with Your Baby in non-clinical settings could provide a timely and posi …
Mindful with your baby for mothers of infants with (parental) stress in a non-clinical setting: a wait-list controlled pilot trial - PubMed
Development of "Hunger Neurons" and the Unanticipated Relationship Between Energy Metabolism and Mother-Infant Interactions - PubMed
Development of "Hunger Neurons" and the Unanticipated Relationship Between Energy Metabolism and Mother-Infant Interactions - PubMed
Over the course of a lifetime, the perinatal period plays an outsized role in the function of physiological systems. Here, we discuss how neurons that regulate energy metabolism contribute to the infant's relationship with the mother. We focus our discussion on Agrp neurons, which are located in the …
Development of "Hunger Neurons" and the Unanticipated Relationship Between Energy Metabolism and Mother-Infant Interactions - PubMed
Trajectories of infant positive emotion during the still face paradigm are associated with toddler temperament - PubMed
Trajectories of infant positive emotion during the still face paradigm are associated with toddler temperament - PubMed
Guided by temperament and positive psychology theory, this study examined whether changes in infant expressed positive emotion were related to toddler temperamental positivity. At 4 months of age, infant expressions of positive, neutral and negative emotion were coded across the Still Face Procedure …
Trajectories of infant positive emotion during the still face paradigm are associated with toddler temperament - PubMed
Does interactive ultrasound intervention relieve minor depressive symptoms and increase maternal attachment in pregnancy? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Does interactive ultrasound intervention relieve minor depressive symptoms and increase maternal attachment in pregnancy? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial - PubMed NCT03424642 . Registered on January 5 2018.
Does interactive ultrasound intervention relieve minor depressive symptoms and increase maternal attachment in pregnancy? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Child Maltreatment Severity and Sleep Variability Predict Mother-Infant RSA Coregulation - PubMed
Child Maltreatment Severity and Sleep Variability Predict Mother-Infant RSA Coregulation - PubMed
Regulatory processes underlie maternal-infant interactions and may be disrupted in adverse caregiving environments. Child maltreatment and sleep variability may reflect high-risk caregiving, but it is unknown whether they confer vulnerability for poorer mother-infant parasympathetic coordination. Th …
Child Maltreatment Severity and Sleep Variability Predict Mother-Infant RSA Coregulation - PubMed
Emotional Availability in Mother-Child and Father-Child Interactions as Predictors of Child's Attachment Representations in Adoptive Families - PubMed
Emotional Availability in Mother-Child and Father-Child Interactions as Predictors of Child's Attachment Representations in Adoptive Families - PubMed
Emotional availability (EA) in parent-child interactions is associated with positive child outcomes, including attachment security. However, little is known about EA in adoptive families. This study investigated the associations between secure representations of attachment in adopted children and th …
Emotional Availability in Mother-Child and Father-Child Interactions as Predictors of Child's Attachment Representations in Adoptive Families - PubMed
Feminist embodiment, body talk, and body image among mothers and daughters - PubMed
Feminist embodiment, body talk, and body image among mothers and daughters - PubMed
Guided by the developmental theory of embodiment, the current study explored feminist embodiment as a protective factor that may simultaneously promote more positive (and less negative) body talk and body image outcomes among mothers and their young adult daughters. Results from an expanded actor-pa …
Feminist embodiment, body talk, and body image among mothers and daughters - PubMed
Infant behavioural effects of smartphone interrupted parent-infant interaction - PubMed
Infant behavioural effects of smartphone interrupted parent-infant interaction - PubMed
Infants are vulnerable to changes in the dyadic synchrony with their caregivers, as demonstrated in numerous experiments employing the still-face paradigm. The sudden lack of attunement causes infant stress reactions and the still-face literature have suggested potential long-term costs of this in t …
Infant behavioural effects of smartphone interrupted parent-infant interaction - PubMed
Maternal anxiety symptoms associated with increased behavioral synchrony in the early postnatal period - PubMed
Maternal anxiety symptoms associated with increased behavioral synchrony in the early postnatal period - PubMed
The presence of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders has typically been associated with decreases in the quality of mother-infant interactions. However, maternal anxiety symptoms during the postpartum period have been less studied than other mental health disorders like depression. In the current st …
Maternal anxiety symptoms associated with increased behavioral synchrony in the early postnatal period - PubMed
The role of maternal child maltreatment history and unsupportive emotion socialization in the intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation difficulties - PubMed
The role of maternal child maltreatment history and unsupportive emotion socialization in the intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation difficulties - PubMed
Mothers who have experienced multiple forms of child maltreatment may be more likely to struggle with ER and engage in unsupportive emotion socialization behaviours, which may increase the risk of emotional difficulties in their children. Survivors of child maltreatment should have access to interve …
The role of maternal child maltreatment history and unsupportive emotion socialization in the intergenerational transmission of emotion regulation difficulties - PubMed
Measurement of interpersonal physiological synchrony in dyads: A review of timing parameters used in the literature - PubMed
Measurement of interpersonal physiological synchrony in dyads: A review of timing parameters used in the literature - PubMed
When individuals share interpersonal connections, such as the bond between a mother and child or between a therapist and their client, they often exhibit measurable coordination of some physiological response patterns during their interactions known as interpersonal physiological synchrony (IPS Butl …
Measurement of interpersonal physiological synchrony in dyads: A review of timing parameters used in the literature - PubMed
Using complexity science to understand the role of co-sleeping (bedsharing) in mother-infant co-regulatory processes - PubMed
Using complexity science to understand the role of co-sleeping (bedsharing) in mother-infant co-regulatory processes - PubMed
Human infants spend most of their time sleeping, but over the first few years of life their sleep becomes regulated to coincide more closely with adult sleep (Galland et al., 2012; Paavonen et al., 2020). Evidence shows that co-sleeping played a role in the evolution of infant sleep regulation, as i …
Using complexity science to understand the role of co-sleeping (bedsharing) in mother-infant co-regulatory processes - PubMed
A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR in treating maternal PTSD to reduce maltreatment recidivism: protocol for the Safe Mothers, Safe Children study - PubMed
A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR in treating maternal PTSD to reduce maltreatment recidivism: protocol for the Safe Mothers, Safe Children study - PubMed
This is the first RCT to investigate the efficacy of P-STAIR. The findings for the trial have the potential to contribute to the expansion of evidence-based practices for maternal PTSD, maltreatment, and child welfare.
A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of Parenting-STAIR in treating maternal PTSD to reduce maltreatment recidivism: protocol for the Safe Mothers, Safe Children study - PubMed
Parental embodied mentalizing: Associations with maternal depression, anxiety, verbal mentalizing, and maternal styles of interaction - PubMed
Parental embodied mentalizing: Associations with maternal depression, anxiety, verbal mentalizing, and maternal styles of interaction - PubMed
PEM is associated to maternal anxiety and depression and mediates the effects of depression and anxiety on mother controlling style. These results emphasize the importance of early prevention programs for mothers focused also on implicit mentalizing.
Parental embodied mentalizing: Associations with maternal depression, anxiety, verbal mentalizing, and maternal styles of interaction - PubMed
Maternal socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function during volitional emotion regulation, and parenting - PubMed
Maternal socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function during volitional emotion regulation, and parenting - PubMed
The transition to becoming a mother involves numerous emotional challenges, and the ability to effectively keep negative emotions in check is critical for parenting. Evidence suggests that experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage interferes with parenting adaptations and alters neural processes relat …
Maternal socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function during volitional emotion regulation, and parenting - PubMed
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time - PubMed
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time - PubMed
Decades of evidence show that mothers provide emotional scaffolding to regulate their infants during moments of distress and that postpartum depression (PPD) can significantly disrupt this process. However, the mechanisms underlying mother-to-infant transmission of regulatory support in real-time ar …
Follow the leader: Maternal transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time - PubMed
Sensitivity Training for Mothers With Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed
Sensitivity Training for Mothers With Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed
Our results demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of this adapted sensitivity training among Chinese mothers with premature infants. [ NCT04383340].
Sensitivity Training for Mothers With Premature Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed
Maternal mobile phone use during mother-child interactions interferes with the process of establishing joint attention - PubMed
Maternal mobile phone use during mother-child interactions interferes with the process of establishing joint attention - PubMed
Parental mobile device use while parenting has been associated with reduced parental responsiveness and increased negative affect among children. However, it remains unclear whether it can interfere with the process of acquiring social communication skills. Thus, this study sought to experimentally …
Maternal mobile phone use during mother-child interactions interferes with the process of establishing joint attention - PubMed
Maternal Worry Socialization and Toddler Inhibited Temperament: Transactional Associations and Stability across Time - PubMed
Maternal Worry Socialization and Toddler Inhibited Temperament: Transactional Associations and Stability across Time - PubMed
Caregiver socialization of child emotions has consequences for both typical development and anxiety risk, with caregivers' non-supportive responses to worry perhaps especially salient to children's anxiety development. Children, in turn, impact the caregiving environment they receive through their t …
Maternal Worry Socialization and Toddler Inhibited Temperament: Transactional Associations and Stability across Time - PubMed
Altered hormonal patterns in borderline personality disorder mother-child interactions - PubMed
Altered hormonal patterns in borderline personality disorder mother-child interactions - PubMed
These findings suggest that alterations in oxytocin, cortisol, and testosterone contribute to disruptions in mother-child interaction in BPD. Interacting with their child might not result in reward and relief of stress in mothers with BPD in the same way as in healthy mothers. Further research is ne …
Altered hormonal patterns in borderline personality disorder mother-child interactions - PubMed
Longitudinal relations between maternal and adolescent emotion dysregulation and maternal autonomy support - PubMed
Longitudinal relations between maternal and adolescent emotion dysregulation and maternal autonomy support - PubMed
Both mothers and adolescents played an important role in adolescent emotional development. To promote adolescent emotional development, it is important to target both maternal emotion dysregulation to understand the development of adolescent emotion dysregulation, and adolescent emotion dysregulatio …
Longitudinal relations between maternal and adolescent emotion dysregulation and maternal autonomy support - PubMed
Still-face redux: Infant responses to a classic and modified still-face paradigm in proximal and distal care cultures - PubMed
Still-face redux: Infant responses to a classic and modified still-face paradigm in proximal and distal care cultures - PubMed
Literature on infant emotion is dominated by research conducted in Western, industrialized societies where early socialization is characterized by face-to-face, vocal communication with caregivers. There is a dearth of knowledge of infant emotion in the context of social interaction outside of the v …
Still-face redux: Infant responses to a classic and modified still-face paradigm in proximal and distal care cultures - PubMed
Preliminary longitudinal evidence for stability of maternal behavior and infant stress regulation among infants born preterm at 4 and 9 months during the Still Face paradigm - PubMed
Preliminary longitudinal evidence for stability of maternal behavior and infant stress regulation among infants born preterm at 4 and 9 months during the Still Face paradigm - PubMed
Stress regulation begins to develop in the first year of life through interactions with caregivers, particularly in the presence of stressors. High quality caregiving, characterized by maternal sensitivity and responsiveness to the infant's emotional cues, is particularly important in the developmen …
Preliminary longitudinal evidence for stability of maternal behavior and infant stress regulation among infants born preterm at 4 and 9 months during the Still Face paradigm - PubMed
Maternal posttraumatic stress predicts Mother-Child Symptom Flare-Ups over Time - PubMed
Maternal posttraumatic stress predicts Mother-Child Symptom Flare-Ups over Time - PubMed
Although concurrent associations between parent and child posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) have been well-documented, few longitudinal studies have examined bidirectional influences by modeling the effects of both parent and child PTSS simultaneously over time. The current study examines pattern …
Maternal posttraumatic stress predicts Mother-Child Symptom Flare-Ups over Time - PubMed
earlyMYCO: A Pilot Mother-Child Cohort Study to Assess Early-Life Exposure to Mycotoxins-Challenges and Lessons Learned - PubMed
earlyMYCO: A Pilot Mother-Child Cohort Study to Assess Early-Life Exposure to Mycotoxins-Challenges and Lessons Learned - PubMed
Early-life exposure occurs during gestation through transfer to the fetus and later, during lactation. Recent monitoring data revealed that the Portuguese population is exposed to mycotoxins, including young children. This study aimed to develop a pilot study to assess the early-life exposure to myc …
earlyMYCO: A Pilot Mother-Child Cohort Study to Assess Early-Life Exposure to Mycotoxins-Challenges and Lessons Learned - PubMed