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How white consumers helped drive discrimination by businesses
How white consumers helped drive discrimination by businesses
A new study provides the best evidence to date that preferences of white consumers helped drive private businesses to discriminate against Black customers before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.The results suggest that racially discriminatory practices – such as motels and restaurants not serving Black travelers – would not have ended without f...
How white consumers helped drive discrimination by businesses
Movement statement racism and discrimination | ICRC
Reporting Taxicab and Vehicle-For-Hire Discrimination | ohr
Reporting Taxicab and Vehicle-For-Hire Discrimination | ohr
Taxicabs and vehicles-for-hire (ie, companies that allow you to order rides by smartphone or other means) are an essential part of the transportation system in the District of Columbia. Although most drivers have a desire to serve all passengers regardless of their personal characteristics, often times people of color, people with disabilities, and those who live in certain parts of the District are denied equal access to services.
Reporting Taxicab and Vehicle-For-Hire Discrimination | ohr
Romer v. Evans :: 517 U.S. 620 (1996) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center
What Is Fetishization And How Does It Contribute To Racism?
CEEOL - Article Detail
Annual Policy Notification - Policy Against Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination
Know Your Rights | Race, Ethnicity, or National Origin-Based Discrimination | ACLU
Adarand Constructors v. Pena, 515 U.S. 200 (1995).
Lorie Smith's desire to discriminate shouldn't sway the U.S. Supreme Court
Workplace Sexual Harassment | State of California - Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General
Housing Discrimination /
Sexual Racism: Intimacy as a Matter of Justice | The Journal of Politics: Vol 77, No 4
Sexual Racism: Intimacy as a Matter of Justice | The Journal of Politics: Vol 77, No 4
Taking seriously the idea that the “the personal is the political,” I argue that intimacy, the opportunity to be a part of a reciprocal romantic relationship, is a matter of justice. We ought to care about the distribution of this opportunity. Justice demands as much. What has gone largely undertheorized is racial discrimination that takes place in the intimate sphere. Prioritizing individuals as romantic partners in a way that reinforces ideas of racial hierarchy or stereotypes, what I call “sexual racism,” is unjust. Sexual racism is based on nothing more than a kind of blatant, even ugly (pun intended) kind of racial favoritism or disgust. These are not benign sexual preferences but problematic conditions that structure the very formation of romantic relationships. Renegotiating the boundaries of the intimate sphere, I argue that online dating websites ought to be sites of public concern.
Sexual Racism: Intimacy as a Matter of Justice | The Journal of Politics: Vol 77, No 4
"Good Faith Discrimination" by Girardeau A. Spann
"Good Faith Discrimination" by Girardeau A. Spann
The Supreme Court’s current doctrinal rules governing racial discrimination and affirmative action are unsatisfying. They often seem artificial, internally inconsistent, and even conceptually incoherent. Despite a long and continuing history of racial discrimination in the United States, many of the problems with the Supreme Court’s racial jurisprudence stem from the Court’s willingness to view the current distribution of societal resources as establishing a colorblind, race-neutral baseline that can be used to make equality determinations. As a result, the current rules are as likely to facilitate racial discrimination as to prevent it, or to remedy the lingering effects of past discrimination. Because the Equal Protection Clause contains few judicially manageable standards for distinguishing between constitutional imperatives and legislative policy preferences, the Supreme Court should normally defer to the representative branches for the formulation of prudent racial policies. However, the Supreme Court’'s insulation from immediate political pressure may give the Court greater relative institutional competence than the representative branches in making one type of determination that is relevant to enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause. Utilizing its power of judicial review, theCourt could disqualify from constitutional cognizance non-remedial equality arguments that were not being asserted with good faith sincerity. A subjective standard of good faith could be used to reject arguments that were consciously motivated by a desire to sacrifice the interests of one race in order to benefit the interests of another. In addition, an objective standard of good faith could be used to reject arguments whose unconscious racial motivations were revealed by contemporary theories of cognitive dissonance and implicit bias. Although race remains too salient a social category for the concept of colorblind, race neutrality to have much meaning in contemporary United States culture, constitutional recognition of only good faith racial motivations might be able to compensate for the ongoing subtle forms of structural discrimination that are embedded in the current distribution of resources.
"Good Faith Discrimination" by Girardeau A. Spann
Comments on the motivational status of self‐esteem in social identity and intergroup discrimination - Abrams - 1988 - European Journal of Social Psychology - Wiley Online Library
Discrimination and Desire: Italians, Cinema, and Culture in Post-War Sydney
Discrimination Prevention | Employment Opportunities | Office of Children and Family Services
Bayard Rustin - If we desire a society of peace, then we...
Justifying discrimination - Citizens Advice
Andover | An independent and inclusive coed boarding high school | “S…
Desire or Dominance?: Sexual Harassment’s Legal Maze
Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (DECLARATION)
Rereading Becker: Contextualizing the Development of Discrimination Theory on JSTOR
Desire Discrimination Determination – Black Champions in Cycling - National Cycling Show
Desire Discrimination Determination – Black Champions in Cycling - National Cycling Show
Published Tuesday August 17th It’s been a year since the Black Lives Matter movement changed the world, but cycling still has a long way to go to make the sport more inclusive. Rapha is publishing the first book of its kind about black champions in cycling, written by Dr Marlon Moncrieffe, featuring historical research as […]
Desire Discrimination Determination – Black Champions in Cycling - National Cycling Show
Retaliation - Making it Personal | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
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Algorithmic discrimination causes less desire for moral punishment than human discrimination
[1809.01563] Debiasing Desire: Addressing Bias & Discrimination on Intimate Platforms