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ADHD Symptoms in Adults and Time Perspectives - Findings From a Czech National Sample - PubMed
ADHD Symptoms in Adults and Time Perspectives - Findings From a Czech National Sample - PubMed
Researching ADHD symptoms and their connection to time perspectives can increase knowledge of both the disorder and how time perspectives tie into it. We wish to also raise awareness of the possible utility of the ZTPI scale when working with individuals with ADHD.
ADHD Symptoms in Adults and Time Perspectives - Findings From a Czech National Sample - PubMed
Executive function underlies both perspective selection and calculation in Level-1 visual perspective taking - PubMed
Executive function underlies both perspective selection and calculation in Level-1 visual perspective taking - PubMed
Previous research has suggested that the calculation of another's perspective is cognitively efficient, whereas perspective selection (selection of a particular perspective, self or other) is associated with executive function, particularly inhibitory control. However, research has not previously te …
Executive function underlies both perspective selection and calculation in Level-1 visual perspective taking - PubMed
Investigating Self-Control Resource Depletion as a Situational Risk Factor for Aversive Interpartner Communication by Young Adults With ADHD - PubMed
Investigating Self-Control Resource Depletion as a Situational Risk Factor for Aversive Interpartner Communication by Young Adults With ADHD - PubMed
Objective: Adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have more conflictual relations with their romantic partners than adults without ADHD. This study investigated whether adults with ADHD are differentially susceptible to conflict when self-control resources are depleted. …
Investigating Self-Control Resource Depletion as a Situational Risk Factor for Aversive Interpartner Communication by Young Adults With ADHD - PubMed
From glue to gasoline: how competition turns perspective takers unethical - PubMed
From glue to gasoline: how competition turns perspective takers unethical - PubMed
Perspective taking is often the glue that binds people together. However, we propose that in competitive contexts, perspective taking is akin to adding gasoline to a fire: It inflames already-aroused competitive impulses and leads people to protect themselves from the potentially insidious actions o …
From glue to gasoline: how competition turns perspective takers unethical - PubMed
[Effects of conversation act on conversation strategy and interpersonal cognition] - PubMed
[Effects of conversation act on conversation strategy and interpersonal cognition] - PubMed
It is assumed that dyadic conversation proceed according to some of each participants' conversation strategies. The strategies are as follows; 1) Receptivity, 2) Emotional expressivity, 3) Cognitive expressivity, 4) Partner comprehension, 5) Contingent comprehension, 6) Self-assertivity. In this exp …
[Effects of conversation act on conversation strategy and interpersonal cognition] - PubMed
Intergroup visual perspective-taking: Shared group membership impairs self-perspective inhibition but may facilitate perspective calculation - PubMed
Intergroup visual perspective-taking: Shared group membership impairs self-perspective inhibition but may facilitate perspective calculation - PubMed
Reasoning about what other people see, know, and want is essential for navigating social life. Yet, even neurodevelopmentally healthy adults make perspective-taking errors. Here, we examined how the group membership of perspective-taking targets (ingroup vs. outgroup) affects processes underlying vi …
Intergroup visual perspective-taking: Shared group membership impairs self-perspective inhibition but may facilitate perspective calculation - PubMed
Losing oneself upon placement in another's position: the influence of perspective on self-referential processing - PubMed
Losing oneself upon placement in another's position: the influence of perspective on self-referential processing - PubMed
Self-referential processing is considered to be an essential index for exploring self-consciousness. However, whether perspective is the determining factor of the self-reference effect (SRE), which is accompanied by self-referential processing, has not been established. The present study aims to add …
Losing oneself upon placement in another's position: the influence of perspective on self-referential processing - PubMed
Attributing false beliefs about object identity reveals a signature blind spot in humans' efficient mind-reading system - PubMed
Attributing false beliefs about object identity reveals a signature blind spot in humans' efficient mind-reading system - PubMed
How can human beings make significant but cognitively taxing inferences about others' beliefs yet also effectively "mind read" in fast-moving social situations? We tested the idea that humans have two mind-reading systems: a flexible system and an efficient system that can make fast calculations bec …
Attributing false beliefs about object identity reveals a signature blind spot in humans' efficient mind-reading system - PubMed
An experimental paradigm examining the influence of frustration on risk-taking behavior - PubMed
An experimental paradigm examining the influence of frustration on risk-taking behavior - PubMed
The present study examined the impact of frustration on risk-taking in college students with low and high ADHD symptomatology (L-ADHD and H-ADHD). Participants completed the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) following induced frustration from a mood manipulation task (experimental session) and follo …
An experimental paradigm examining the influence of frustration on risk-taking behavior - PubMed
Privileged versus shared knowledge about object identity in real-time referential processing - PubMed
Privileged versus shared knowledge about object identity in real-time referential processing - PubMed
A central claim in research on interactive conversation is that listeners use the knowledge assumed to be shared with a conversational partner to guide their understanding of utterances from the earliest moments of processing. In the present study we investigated whether this claim extends to cases …
Privileged versus shared knowledge about object identity in real-time referential processing - PubMed
Out of your sight, out of my mind: Knowledge about another person's visual access modulates spontaneous visuospatial perspective-taking - PubMed
Out of your sight, out of my mind: Knowledge about another person's visual access modulates spontaneous visuospatial perspective-taking - PubMed
Accumulating evidence suggests that humans spontaneously adopt each other's visuospatial perspective (VSP), but many aspects about the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether knowledge about another's visual access systematically modulates spontaneous V …
Out of your sight, out of my mind: Knowledge about another person's visual access modulates spontaneous visuospatial perspective-taking - PubMed
Spontaneous Vicarious Perception of the Content of Another's Visual Perspective - PubMed
Spontaneous Vicarious Perception of the Content of Another's Visual Perspective - PubMed
Visual perspective taking (VPT) is a core process of social cognition, providing humans with insights into what the environment looks like from another's point of view [1-4]. While VPT is often described as a quasi-perceptual phenomenon [5, 6], evidence for this proposal has been lacking. Here, we p …
Spontaneous Vicarious Perception of the Content of Another's Visual Perspective - PubMed
ADHD-associated risk taking is linked to exaggerated views of the benefits of positive outcomes - PubMed
ADHD-associated risk taking is linked to exaggerated views of the benefits of positive outcomes - PubMed
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often assumed to be associated with increased engagement in risk-taking behaviors. The current study sought to understand the mental processes underlying this association using a theory-driven behavioral economics perspective. Psychological risk …
ADHD-associated risk taking is linked to exaggerated views of the benefits of positive outcomes - PubMed
Perceived perspective taking: when others walk in our shoes - PubMed
Perceived perspective taking: when others walk in our shoes - PubMed
A great deal of psychological research has investigated the influence of perspective taking on individuals, indicating that perspective taking increases the extent to which people like, feel a sense of self-other overlap with, and help those whose perspective they take. However, previous investigati …
Perceived perspective taking: when others walk in our shoes - PubMed
Evidence for spontaneous level-2 perspective taking in adults - PubMed
Evidence for spontaneous level-2 perspective taking in adults - PubMed
Social interactions are fostered by humans' propensity to compute their partner's perspective online. However, due to the mindreading system's limited capacity perspective taking (PT) was argued to occur spontaneously only for level-1, but not level-2 perspectives. We propose that level-2 perspectiv …
Evidence for spontaneous level-2 perspective taking in adults - PubMed
Adaptation of object descriptions to a partner under increasing communicative demands: a comparison of children with and without autism - PubMed
Adaptation of object descriptions to a partner under increasing communicative demands: a comparison of children with and without autism - PubMed
This study compared the object descriptions of school-age children with high-functioning autism (HFA) with those of a matched group of typically developing children. Descriptions were elicited in a referential communication task where shared information was manipulated, and in a guessing game where …
Adaptation of object descriptions to a partner under increasing communicative demands: a comparison of children with and without autism - PubMed
Not always hyperactive? Elevated apathy scores in adolescents and adults with ADHD - PubMed
Neurophysiological correlates of delinquent behaviour in adult subjects with ADHD - PubMed
Neurophysiological correlates of delinquent behaviour in adult subjects with ADHD - PubMed
The attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows an increased prevalence in arrested offenders compared to the normal population. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether ADHD symptoms are a major risk factor for criminal behaviour, or whether further deficits, mainly abnorma …
Neurophysiological correlates of delinquent behaviour in adult subjects with ADHD - PubMed
Twenty-four-week treatment with extended release methylphenidate improves emotional symptoms in adult ADHD - PubMed
Relation between resting EEG to cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Relation between resting EEG to cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children is characterized by elevated levels of slow wave activity and reduced fast wave activity in resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG). In adults with ADHD, resting-state EEG findings are scarce and inconsistent. The present study examined wh …
Relation between resting EEG to cognitive performance and clinical symptoms in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Adults with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD neuropsychological aspects - PubMed
Adults with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD neuropsychological aspects - PubMed
The purpose of the present study was to assess which types of neuropsychological deficits appear to be most commonly associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. The effect of the combination of ASD with ADHD (ASD/ADHD) was also studi …
Adults with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD neuropsychological aspects - PubMed
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents who have a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents who have a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Our study shows that ADHD has a significant impact on multiple domains of HRQL in children and adolescents. In support of our hypotheses, compared with normative data, children with ADHD had more parent-reported problems in terms of emotional-behavioral role function, behavior, mental health, and se …
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents who have a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Relationships between neuropsychological measures of executive function and behavioral measures of ADHD symptoms and comorbid behavior - PubMed
Relationships between neuropsychological measures of executive function and behavioral measures of ADHD symptoms and comorbid behavior - PubMed
The results of the study do not support the EF theory of ADHD. The importance of screening for comorbid language disorders in children referred for ADHD is emphasized.
Relationships between neuropsychological measures of executive function and behavioral measures of ADHD symptoms and comorbid behavior - PubMed
Additive neurocognitive deficits in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depressive symptoms - PubMed
Additive neurocognitive deficits in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depressive symptoms - PubMed
The purpose of this study was to examine the possible additive neurocognitive deficits in adults with both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and serious depressive symptoms. Participants were 54 university students who completed a psycho-educational assessment. Three groups were examin …
Additive neurocognitive deficits in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depressive symptoms - PubMed
Applying a psychoeducational perspective to ADHD - PubMed
Applying a psychoeducational perspective to ADHD - PubMed
This article examines whether various cognitive abilities are associated with symptoms of ADHD. Cognitive ability is conceptualized using Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory as measured using the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (3rd ed.). This article also examines whether test session beh …
Applying a psychoeducational perspective to ADHD - PubMed
Symptomatic overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder in women: the role of temperament and character traits - PubMed
Symptomatic overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder in women: the role of temperament and character traits - PubMed
Classes of ADHD and BPD symptoms are associated with specific temperament and character configurations. Novelty Seeking was associated with the inattention symptoms of ADHD. An outspoken Novelty Seeking temperament suggests vulnerability for the development of ADHD and co-occurring BPD. Contrary to …
Symptomatic overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder in women: the role of temperament and character traits - PubMed
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and young adult intimate partner violence - PubMed
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and young adult intimate partner violence - PubMed
Conduct disorder is consistently associated with violence in intimate relationships. Controlling for CD, there is also an association between ADHD and IPV. Results suggest the need for services and treatment strategies that specifically address the risks for violence and promote healthy intimate rel …
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and young adult intimate partner violence - PubMed
A phenomenological analysis of the experience of receiving a diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adulthood: a partner's perspective - PubMed
A phenomenological analysis of the experience of receiving a diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adulthood: a partner's perspective - PubMed
Results indicate a need for psychological treatment to be provided to clients following diagnosis. Information leaflets for partners will also help partners' ability to facilitate their own knowledge and understanding, which in turn will help them better support their AD/HD partners.
A phenomenological analysis of the experience of receiving a diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adulthood: a partner's perspective - PubMed
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical features and familial transmission - PubMed
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical features and familial transmission - PubMed
The comorbidity of PTSD and ADHD in adults leads to greater clinical severity in terms of psychiatric comorbidity and psychosocial functioning. The familial coaggregation of the 2 disorders suggests that these disorders share familial risk factors and that their co-occurrence is not due to diagnosti …
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical features and familial transmission - PubMed
Boys with ADHD in social interaction with a nonfamiliar adult: an observational study - PubMed
Boys with ADHD in social interaction with a nonfamiliar adult: an observational study - PubMed
Boys with ADHD demonstrate poor social attention during conversation and elicit structure-providing behavior in nonfamiliar adults. It is postulated that poor self-regulatory mechanisms may mediate their social problems.
Boys with ADHD in social interaction with a nonfamiliar adult: an observational study - PubMed