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Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the critical care unit: study protocol for a multi-center, cluster-randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial investigating the effect of a novel locking fluid on central line complications in the critical care population | Trials | Full Text
Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the critical care unit: study protocol for a multi-center, cluster-randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial investigating the effect of a novel locking fluid on central line complications in the critical care population | Trials | Full Text
Control of Line Complications with KiteLock (CLiCK) in the critical care unit: study protocol for a multi-center, cluster-randomized, double-blinded, crossover trial investigating the effect of a novel locking fluid on central line complications in the critical care population | Trials | Full Text