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Naked Suicide | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Naked Suicide | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Suicide attempts and completions by individuals while naked remain unexplored, both by clinicians and in the professional literature. Nakedness at the time of the incident conveys important information about an individual's mental state. Motivations for attempting or completing suicide while naked are discussed. Nakedness during a suicide attempt is presumptive evidence of high risk for suicide completion. Deliberate self-harm, without intent to die, is not usually inflicted while naked. The clinical and forensic implications of naked suicide are explored. In completed suicides, the state of dress, including partial undress and nakedness may provide important clues in a psychological autopsy. Forensic psychiatrists and treating clinicians who encounter naked suicides are afforded a unique opportunity to advance our knowledge. Letters to the editor and case reports would stimulate discourse about this little understood phenomenon.
Naked Suicide | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Why do GI doctors always prescribe PPI’s knowing it will never heal gastritis or acid reflux? - Quora
Why do GI doctors always prescribe PPI’s knowing it will never heal gastritis or acid reflux? - Quora
Answer (1 of 2): Because they genuinly believe it'll helps and it does in a way but it does not cure it though. The way PPI's work it's by reducing stomach acid and doctors believe some digestive issues or acid reflux is caused by too much or too strong stomach acid but this is false and it's act...
Why do GI doctors always prescribe PPI’s knowing it will never heal gastritis or acid reflux? - Quora
AstraZeneca Sued Over Advertising - The New York Times
AstraZeneca Sued Over Advertising - The New York Times
Issue of advertising prescription drugs directly to consumers is at heart of lawsuit filed against AstraZeneca by coalition of consumer activists representing labor, retired workers and elderly; lawsuit takes on familiar target--decision of AstraZeneca in 2001 to introduce drug Nexium to replace Prilosec as patent protection for Priolsec was expiring; new element is claim that billions of dollars subsequently spent by AstraZeneca on advertising, promotions and other marketing persuaded consumers to shun much cheaper alternatives like generic drugs and Priolsec in its over-the-counter iteration by wrongfully presenting Nexium as more effective in treating acid reflux; Steven W Berman of law firm Hagens Berman, which filed lawsuit, says advertising was deceptive; photo (M)
AstraZeneca Sued Over Advertising - The New York Times
Amphetamines Used by a Physician To Lift Moods of Famous Patients - The New York Times
Amphetamines Used by a Physician To Lift Moods of Famous Patients - The New York Times
article on Dr M Jacobson, 72-yr-old NYC physician who reptdly treats dozens of nation's most celebrated artists, writers, politicians and jet setters with amphetamines; holds Jacobson 'is the best known' of a small number of NYC physicians who specialize in prescribing and administering amphetamines for sole purpose of boosting the mood of healthy patients; maintains many of Jacobson's patients 'swear by the potions he concocts in his office' and insist he has helped them achieve success, but notes many others have quit because of bad reactions and 'enslaving addictions' to amphetamines; Bur of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, which has investigated Jacobson at different times over 5-yr period, says agency's rev of physician's records indicate failure to account for large quantities of amphetamines he purchases; ordered seizure in '69 of all controlled drugs in his possession; some patients describe Jacobson's treatments and their reactions to them; list of Jacobson's patients includes late Pres Kennedy and members of Kennedy family; Jacobson biog sketch and por; illus with Kennedy in Palm Beach, Fla; amphetamines and their effects described; other physicians comment on some dangers inherent in Jacobson's approach
Amphetamines Used by a Physician To Lift Moods of Famous Patients - The New York Times