You Asked for It is a human interest television show created and hosted by Art Baker. Initially titled The Art Baker Show, the program originally aired on American television between 1950 and 1959. Later versions of the series were seen in 1972, 1981, and 2000.
Is it true that if a gun doesn't use fire to shoot its projectiles, then it’s not a firearm and needs no regulation, no matter how dangerous it is? - Quora
Answer (1 of 45): You have multiple questions here that don’t necessarily coincide with one another. (note, I am answering from the purview of US federal law. In other jurisdictions, your mileage may vary. That said, I believe the points in the third and fourth hold regardless of location) 1) Is...
America’s Last Ban on Sunday Shopping | The New Yorker
Should Bergen County’s blue laws fall, it could mark an end to Americans’ fragile agreement to take one day a week as an antidote to the forces of commerce.
In the U.S., where over half of us live along the coast and more than 78 percent of our overseas trade by volume comes and goes along our marine highways, the health of our coasts is intricately connected to the health of our nation's economy. The National Ocean Service (NOS) translates science, tools, and services into action, to address threats to coastal areas such as climate change, population growth, port congestion, and contaminants in the environment, all working towards healthy coasts and healthy economies.
Know what form, IDs, photo, and fees you need to apply for a U.S. passport. Learn how to get a passport in an emergency. Check a passport application status.