A qualitative study of assistant nurses' experiences of palliative care in residential care - PubMed

A sense of home in residential care - PubMed
[Death anxiety in nursing: experience in supporting of the death and field care] - PubMed
Does a half-day course about palliative care matter? A quantitative and qualitative evaluation among health care practitioners - PubMed
Making Each Other's Daily Life: Nurse Assistants' Experiences and Knowledge on Developing a Meaningful Daily Life in Nursing Homes - PubMed
A systematic review of activities undertaken by the unregulated Nursing Assistant - PubMed
Approaching retirement: A qualitative study of older nursing assistants' experiences of work in residential care and late-career planning - PubMed
An exploration of palliative care provision in Scottish care homes - PubMed
Clinical competences of nursing assistants: a strategy for people management - PubMed
Upholding an ideal image of palliative work in the face of obstacles - PubMed
The challenges in adopting care pathways for the dying for use in care homes - PubMed
Taking an "upstream" approach in the care of dying cancer patients: the case for a palliative approach - PubMed
Experiences of health and well-being, a question of adjustment and compensation - views of older people dependent on community care - PubMed
Palliative care nursing in relation to people with intellectual disabilities - PubMed
Older peoples' personal care needs: an analysis of care provision: care provision and the roles of key healthcare personnel - PubMed
Unavoidable pressure ulcers at the end of life and nurse understanding - PubMed
An exploration of how positive emotions are expressed by older people and nurse assistants in homecare visits - PubMed
Care home managers' knowledge of palliative care: a Northern Irish study - PubMed
Outcomes of collaborative and interdisciplinary palliative education for health care assistants: A qualitative metasummary - PubMed
End of life care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study on the perspectives of nurses and nurse assistants - PubMed
Caring for people with dementia disease (DD) and working in a private not-for-profit residential care facility for people with DD - PubMed
The collective voice: Legitimation strategies in focus group discussions with nurses in municipal palliative care for older people in Sweden - PubMed
Personal care assistants' experiences of caring for people on home mechanical ventilation - PubMed
Palliative care nurse specialists' reflections on a palliative care educational intervention in long-term care: an inductive content analysis - PubMed
Patient safety subcultures among registered nurses and nurse assistants in Swedish hospital care: a qualitative study - PubMed
Bathing people with dementia: when education is not enough - PubMed
Unlicensed personnel administering medications to older persons living at home: a challenge for social and care services - PubMed
Hospitalized older peoples' views of health and health promotion - PubMed
Palliative care in long-term care: a system in change - PubMed