Pathways in end-of-life care for older people: care managers' reasoning - PubMed
Nurses' and nursing assistants' recognition of depression in elderly who depend on long-term care - PubMed
Trapped between doing and being: first providers' experience of "front line" work - PubMed
Nursing assistants' response to participation in the pilot worksite heart health improvement project (WHHIP): a qualitative study - PubMed
Learning to deal constructively with troubled conscience related to care providers' perceptions of deficient teamwork in residential care of older people--a participatory action research study - PubMed
Caregivers in older peoples' care: perception of quality of care, working conditions, competence and personal health - PubMed
Work organization, area labor-market characteristics, and depression among U.S. nursing home workers: a cross-classified multilevel analysis - PubMed
Registered Nurses' and nurse assistants' responses to older persons' expressions of emotional needs in home care - PubMed
Early and late signs that precede dying among older persons in nursing homes: the multidisciplinary team's perspective - PubMed
The provision of emotional labour by health care assistants caring for dying cancer patients in the community: a qualitative study into the experiences of health care assistants and bereaved family carers - PubMed
Valuing narrative in the care of older people: a framework of narrative practice for older adult residential care settings - PubMed
Predictors of a Desire to be Helpful to Professional Nurses Among Japanese Nursing Assistants in Small- to Medium-Sized Hospitals - PubMed
Palliative care in Irish nursing homes: the work of community clinical nurse specialists - PubMed
An exploration of the hydration care of older people: a qualitative study - PubMed
Exploring nursing assistants' roles in the process of pain management for cognitively impaired nursing home residents: a qualitative study - PubMed
A survey of commitment and compassion among nurses in residential aged care - PubMed
Myths about nursing assistants - PubMed
SEAM--improving the quality of palliative care in regional Toowoomba, Australia: lessons learned - PubMed
Understanding work ability: experiences of female assistant nurses in elderly care - PubMed
Struggling to adapt: caring for older persons while under threat of organizational change and termination notice - PubMed
Demoralization and attitudes toward residents among certified nurse assistants in relation to job stressors and work resources: cultural diversity in long term care - PubMed
The meaning of work for nursing assistants who stay in long-term care - PubMed
Caring for dying patients outside special palliative care settings: experiences from a nursing perspective - PubMed
"Sometimes I've gone home feeling that my voice hasn't been heard": a focus group study exploring the views and experiences of health care assistants when caring for dying residents - PubMed
Use, misuse and non-use of health care assistants: understanding the work of health care assistants in a hospital setting - PubMed
Stayers and leavers: a comparison of nurse assistants employed in nursing homes - PubMed
Nursing the dying within a generalist caseload: a focus group study of district nurses - PubMed
Excellent care-givers (nursing assistants) of the elderly: what satisfies them about their work - PubMed
The palliative care link nurse role in nursing homes: barriers and facilitators - PubMed
Nurses' and nurse assistants' beliefs, attitudes and actions related to role and function in an inpatient stroke rehabilitation unit-A qualitative study - PubMed