An mHealth Intervention Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in a Family Setting (SMARTFAMILY): Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed

Acceptance of Telepresence Robotics, Telecare and Teletherapy Among Stroke Patients, Relatives and Therapy Staff - PubMed
Digital Health Interventions and Patient Safety in Abdominal Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - PubMed
A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Effects of Teledentistry on Costs and Oral-Health Outcomes - PubMed
The feasibility of integrating a home telehealth model for older persons living with hemodialysis - PubMed
"All hands on deck": a qualitative study of safeguarding and the transition to telemedical abortion care in England and Wales - PubMed
Tele-ICU enabled management of an organ donor in an under-resourced setting - PubMed
The effect of resilience training with mHealth application based on micro-learning method on the stress and anxiety of nurses working in intensive care units: a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Hand telerehabilitation for polytrauma patients following road traffic accidents - PubMed
Using mobile health in primiparous women: effect on awareness, attitude and choice of delivery type, semi-experimental - PubMed
Emergence of imaging technology beyond the clinical setting: Utilization of mobile health tools for at-home testing - PubMed
Socioeconomic factors associated with use of telehealth services in outpatient care settings during the COVID-19 - PubMed
Feasibility of a novel eHealth intervention for Parkinson's disease targeting motor-cognitive function in the home - PubMed
Patient and Staff Experience of Remote Patient Monitoring-What to Measure and How: Systematic Review - PubMed
Exploring the ethical implications in the telesurgery ERA - PubMed
A Field Guide for Telemedicine: Read the Room! - PubMed
Rehabilitation interventions delivered via telehealth to support self-management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: A scoping review protocol - PubMed
The effects of telehealth-delivered mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and behavioral activation for chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial - PubMed
Parental use and acceptance of an accessible, commercially available intraoral camera for teledentistry in their children - PubMed
Program Director Reports of COVID-19 Lockdown-Driven Service Changes in Community-Based STI Clinics and Syringe Services Programs in the Southeastern U.S - PubMed
COVID-19 patient satisfaction and associated factors in telemedicine and hybrid system - PubMed
RuralHealthConnect: A network for evidence, innovation and action - PubMed
Effects of Telemedicine on Informal Caregivers of Patients in Palliative Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - PubMed
CHIVID: A Rapid Deployment of Community and Home Isolation During COVID-19 Pandemics - PubMed
Problems and Barriers Related to the Use of mHealth Apps From the Perspective of Patients: Focus Group and Interview Study - PubMed
Telemedicine and In-Person Visit Modality Mix and Electronic Health Record Use in Primary Care - PubMed
A Web-Based and Mobile Intervention Program Using a Spaced Education Approach for Workplace Mental Health Literacy: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed
Pre-exposure prophylaxis and telemedicine during coronavirus (COVID-19): a qualitative study of the experiences of health care professionals in Mexico - PubMed
Parent-Led Cognitive Behavioral Teletherapy for Anxiety in Autistic Youth: A Randomized Trial Comparing Two Levels of Therapist Support - PubMed
Internet-based eHealth technology for emotional well-being among the older adults with a family cancer history: full mediation effects of health information self-efficacy and cancer fatalism - PubMed