Understanding the impact of pandemics on long-term medication adherence: directly observed therapy in a tuberculosis treatment cohort pre- and post-COVID-19 lockdowns - PubMed

Application of Alfalfa App in the management of oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation: a multicenter randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Adherence to long-term telemonitoring-supported physical activity in patients with chronic heart failure - PubMed
A Web-Based Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Intervention (Thrive With Me) in a Community-Recruited Sample of Sexual Minority Men Living With HIV: Results of a Randomized Controlled Study - PubMed
Improving Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Adherence Via Implementation of a Pocket Card: A Quality Improvement Pilot Program - PubMed
Letter to the Editor Re: Patient Compliance and Application Effects of Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in the Treatment of Female Urinary Incontinence - PubMed
The effects of multifactorial pharmacist-led intervention protocol on medication optimisation and adherence among patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomised control trial - PubMed
A real-world study of persistence and adherence to prescription medications in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation in the United States - PubMed
A Smart Water Bottle and Companion App (HidrateSpark 3) to Improve Bladder-Filling Compliance in Patients With Prostate Cancer Receiving Radiotherapy: Nonrandomized Trial of Feasibility and Acceptability - PubMed
The Real-World Efficacy of Fixed Triple Inhalation Therapy in the Treatment of Moderate COPD Patients (RATIONALE Study) - PubMed
Distrust in the Health Care System and Adherence to Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy among People with Hepatitis C Virus Who Inject Drugs - PubMed
Adherence to resistance training and hypocaloric diet among persons near retirement age - A secondary data analysis of three randomized controlled trials - PubMed
Effective roles of exercise and diet adherence in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease - PubMed
Medication adherence to CFTR modulators in patients with cystic fibrosis: a systematic review - PubMed
The influence of scaffolding on intrinsic motivation and autonomous adherence to a game-based, sparsely supervised home rehabilitation program for people with upper extremity hemiparesis due to stroke. A randomized controlled trial - PubMed
What do patients with heart failure disclose about medication adherence at home to their hospital and primary care doctors? Exploratory interaction-based observational cohort study - PubMed
Exploring the association between adherence to home-based exercise recommendations and recovery of nonspecific low back pain: a prospective cohort study - PubMed
Are physical activity referral scheme components associated with increased physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate? A meta-analysis and meta-regression - PubMed
Including the Household: Individual, Community and Household Factors Affecting Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence After ART Initiation in Cape Town, South Africa - PubMed
Treatment Adherence and Health Status of Patients With COPD Under Treatment With Salmeterol/Fluticasone via the Elpenhaler® Device: The AHEAD Study - PubMed
Pharmacologic Drug Detection and Self-Reported Adherence in the HPTN069/ACTG5305 Phase II PrEP Trial - PubMed
Acceptability of Four Intervention Components Supporting Medication Adherence in Women with Breast Cancer: a Process Evaluation of a Fractional Factorial Pilot Optimization Trial - PubMed
Innovative Approaches to Enhance and Measure Medication Adherence in Chronic Disease Management: A Review - PubMed
The growzen™ buddy smartphone app to improve adherence in patients receiving recombinant human growth hormone therapy: a retrospective observational study in Argentina - PubMed
Interventions for increasing medication adherence in heart failure patients: A narrative review - PubMed
Patient Acceptance and Adherence to the COMPASS Trial Drug Recommendations Following Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy - PubMed
Nonadherence to oral cancer chemotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma: prevalence and predictive factors in Vietnam - PubMed
A Pilot Randomized Control Trial of the Striving Towards EmPowerment and Medication Adherence (STEP-AD) Intervention for Black Women Living with HIV - PubMed
Impact of a point-of-care urine tenofovir assay on adherence to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among women in Kenya: a randomised pilot trial - PubMed
Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions in Improving Medication Adherence Among Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - PubMed