Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason, and seeking truth in the sciences. (1899 edition) | Open Library
The causes of reduced fertility with cryopreserved semen - ScienceDirect
A Pioneer in Anaclastics: Ibn Sahl on Burning Mirrors and Lenses on JSTOR
The Double-Edged Helix - Rolling Stone
Egg Hunter sperm Mousepad by Egg Hunter Happy Frozen Sperm - CafePress
The Frozen Semen Specialists
Grounds for Claiming Injunction over Irrevocable and Unconditional Bank Guarantees
The Mathematical Realm of Nature
Hartsoeker's Homunculus Sketch from Essai de Dioptrique | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia
The Study of the Wonderful: The First Topographical Mapping of Vision in the Brain | Neurology | JAMA Ophthalmology | JAMA Network
All Stateag | allstateag
Trump Doubles Down on Demon Sperm Doc. Stella Immanuel
History of Geometric Optics
XC 20 Signature Tank PERFECT STARTER PACKAGE w/Measuring Stick/Invento – Semen Tanks
Federal Arbitration Act definition - Law Insider
Zimbabwe's 'Sperm Hunters' Are Coming for Your Semen
How Mirrors Work | HowStuffWorks
Kathleen Biden divorce docs reveal SHE kicked out Hunter | Daily Mail Online
La dioptrique: in plato's cave
Successors definition - Law Insider
Building Trust in 21st Century Genomics | G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics
All Stateag | allstateag
A.R.T. and history, 1678–1978 | Human Reproduction | Oxford Academic
A Pioneer in Anaclastics: Ibn Sahl on Burning Mirrors and Lenses on JSTOR
A Brief History of Donor Conception | HuffPost
"Genetic Programming: Artificial Nervous Systems, Artificial Embryos and Embryological Electronics" (1991), by Hugo de Garis | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia
(PDF) DESCARTES - Dioptrics-On Light | Thiago Lédo - Academia.edu
(39) /qresearch/ - Q Research General #16577: The 'Ghosts of Shadilay!' Edition