Shaman Gaman

Shaman Gaman

Ascension Mystery School | Presented by David Wilcock
Ascension Mystery School | Presented by David Wilcock
Are you ready for this? It's only going to get more and more intense as time goes on.
James V. Hart
How do you "win the game?"
Hero’s Journey
Logoic Mind
Not too many people throughout the ages have escaped the gravitational pull of the cycles of time to stay at the top of the wheel.
Christ is one of those great beings who did. In Ascension Mystery School 3.0, we will do a deep-dive on what the Law of One series teaches us about Christ Consciousness -- and how you can attain it!
your own Hero’s Journey so you don't miss out
the boon
original identity
understand the hidden meaning behind seemingly horrible things
being exposed to the knowledge itself creates an alchemical activation within you
Tibetan monks that can help activate your own “Rainbow Body”
nearly perfect health
being forced to repeat karmic patterns and give your power away
we live in a loving Universe
leading a new narrative of human history
He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama.
Enjoy the intellectual firestorm of these two titans going at it with high-level geekspeak!
Mind-blowing information will fly back and forth at a furious speed,
without ever losing the comfort and ease of an intriguing conversation that you have the distinct pleasure of overhearing. Don’t miss it!
Return of the Sacred Feminine
Elizabeth Wilcock will be presenting two full-length modules for this class as well,
Return Of the Sacred Feminine and the Cycles of Time. In it you’ll discover the alchemy of how the sacred feminine energy nourishes and strengthens men, women and social systems.
protect the sacred feminine
Sacred feminine alchemy that deeply nourishes both men and women
Keys to how the marriage of opposites strengthens and empowers your body and all social, biological and business systems
Warrior Codes
Big Picture
continue to help us avert disaster.
the secrets of the “Levitating Saints!”
, how they were verified as being truthful,
even if you have heard David discuss some of this data in the past!
toxic people into your life
amplify your health when bombarded with temptations
actions we take as individuals and societies become etched into the Akashic Record
forces us
spring-load our Ascension process
Ascension Mystery School | Presented by David Wilcock