Ethical Considerations in New Coma Research - Neurology Advisor

VR Headset by Oculus Founder May Kill You If You Die in the Game
Exploring Virtual Reality Through the Lens of Disability · #DLFteach Publications
Effect of Iron Chelation Therapy on Recovery from Deep Coma in Children with Cerebral Malaria | NEJM
Can hypnosis and virtual reality reduce anxiety, pain and fatigue among patients who undergo cardiac surgery: a randomised controlled trial | Trials | Full Text
N.Y. cop forgives drunk driver who put him in coma, lessening man’s sentence
Scientists jump-start two people's brains after coma -- ScienceDaily
The Bts-Nirvana System. The therapist chooses the different scenarios... | Download Scientific Diagram
"Hooked Up" | DC Animated Universe | Fandom
Proceedings of the Second Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness | SpringerLink
Cognitive Rehabilitation - Medical Clinical Policy Bulletins | Aetna
Virtual Reality-Based Sensory Stimulation for Pediatric Disorders of Consciousness: A Pilot Study. - Abstract - Europe PMC
Drug Design and Aesthetic Obsolescence Pharmacologies for a Reformulated Concept of Virtual Reality – Technoculture
Man who was in medically induced coma hails Covid drug trial for survival | The Independent
Data could help standardize use of therapeutic comas for epileptic patients - The Reporter | UAB
APODoC – Coma Science Group
Quantitative evaluation of the consciousness level of patients in a vegetative state using virtual reality and an eye-tracking system: A single-case experimental design study: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Vol 32, No 10
If you were addicted to drugs/alcohol and then put into a coma for a long time; would you still have a dependency on them mentally after you woke up? - Quora
Adjunctive virtual reality pain relief following traumatic injury: protocol for a randomised within-subjects clinical trial | BMJ Open
Visuo-acoustic stimulation that helps you to relax: A virtual reality setup for patients in the intensive care unit | Scientific Reports
Getting a clinical innovation into practice: An introduction to implementation strategies - ScienceDirect
Integrated Intervention - Serendipity Center
ntegrated clinic intervention strategies - Google Search
Frontiers | Memory Retrieval-Extinction Combined With Virtual Reality Reducing Drug Craving for Methamphetamine: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
[Treatment of poisoning in a common observation department] - PubMed
Randomized evaluation of spectacles plus alternate-day occlusion to treat amblyopia - PubMed
Virtual Reality Based Cognitive Rehabilitation in Minimally Conscious State: A Case Report with EEG Findings and Systematic Literature Review - PMC
virtual reality drug rehab coma - Google Search
Development of an abdominal phantom for the validation of an oligometastatic disease diagnosis workflow - Bauer - 2022 - Medical Physics - Wiley Online Library