Best practice in therapeutic drug monitoring - PubMed

Across Shallow Swamps – J.R. Nyquist Blog
LC-MS/MS for immunosuppressant therapeutic drug monitoring - PubMed
Raman spectroscopy towards clinical application: drug monitoring and pathogen identification - PubMed
Ectopic expression of Ptf1a induces spinal defects, urogenital defects, and anorectal malformations in Danforth's short tail mice - PubMed
Nyquist sampling
Multiplex Therapeutic Drug Monitoring by Isotope-dilution HPLC-MS/MS of Antibiotics in Critical Illnesses - PubMed
Experience with therapeutic drug monitoring of three antifungal agents using an LC-MS/MS method in routine clinical practice - PubMed
Nyquist Plot Examples
The Role of Clinical Registries in Monitoring Drug Safety and Efficacy - PubMed
Pharmacodynamic Monitoring of Biological Therapies in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases - PubMed
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Pharmacogenetic testing and therapeutic drug monitoring are complementary tools for optimal individualization of drug therapy - PubMed
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Long-term electrocardiographic safety monitoring in clinical drug development: A report from the Cardiac Safety Research Consortium - PubMed
Avoiding drug-drug interactions - PubMed
Nyquist Systems | Nyquist Systems
Advances in anti-epileptic drug testing - PubMed
Therapeutic drug monitoring: focus on conditions in Indonesia - PubMed
Relative importance of prenatal and postnatal androgen action in determining growth of the penis and anogenital distance in the rat before, during and after puberty - PubMed
Identification of a strong transcriptional activator for the copia retrotransposon responsible for its differential expression in Drosophila hydei and melanogaster cell lines - PubMed
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