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Citations | Experimental Characterization of Centrifugal Pumps as AN Acoustic Source at the Blade-Passing Frequency - NASA/ADS
Simultaneous optimization of mobile phase composition and pH using retention modeling and experimental design - PubMed
Simultaneous variation of temperature and gradient steepness for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method development. I. Application to 14 different samples using computer simulation - PubMed
Quantitative evaluation of flow-induced structural vibration and noise in turbomachinery by full-scale weakly coupled simulation - NASA/ADS
A study of vibroacoustic coupling between a pump and attached water-filled pipes - NASA/ADS
A numerical study of flow-induced noise in a two-dimensional centrifugal pump. Part I. Hydrodynamics - NASA/ADS
Experimental investigation on the flow-induced noise under variable conditions for centrifugal pumps - NASA/ADS
Pressure pulsations in piping system excited by a centrifugal turbomachinery taking the damping characteristics into consideration - NASA/ADS
Comparison of structured- and unstructured-grid, compressible and incompressible methods using the vortex pairing problem - ScienceDirect
Numerical investigation on noise reduction mechanism of serrated trailing edge installed on a pump-jet duct - ScienceDirect
Application of a column selection system and DryLab software for high-performance liquid chromatography method development - PubMed
On Trefftz and weak Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin approaches for medium-frequency acoustics - ScienceDirect
Scopus preview - Scopus - 52 documents that cite: Experimental characterization of centrifugal pumps as an acoustic source at the blade-passing frequency
Operation Warp Speed - Wikipedia
Novobiocin, ノボビオシン; « New Drug Approvals
Quinolone antibiotic - Wikipedia
Staphylococcus - Wikipedia
"Drug Monitoring/methods"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Preparative separation of peptide and protein samples by high-performance liquid chromatography with gradient elution. II. Experimental examples compared with theory - PubMed
Use of DRYLAB to compare octadecylsilane and carbon supports for reversed-phase chromatography of triazine herbicide test solutes - PubMed
Rapid high performance liquid chromatography method development with high prediction accuracy, using 5cm long narrow bore columns packed with sub-2microm particles and Design Space computer modeling - PubMed
A stepwise strategy employing automated screening and DryLab modeling for the development of robust methods for challenging high performance liquid chromatography separations: a case study - PubMed