Novel spinal pathways identified by neuronal c-Fos expression after urethrogenital reflex activation in female guinea pigs - ScienceDirect

COVID-19: should we continue to cryopreserve sperm during the pandemic? - ScienceDirect
No-scalpel vasal sperm aspiration and in vitro fertilization for the treatment of anejaculation - ScienceDirect
Cytotoxicity of Direct Current with Antibacterial Agents against Host Cells In Vitro - ScienceDirect
Role of Free Radicals and Metal Ions in Direct Current-Induced Cytotoxicity - ScienceDirect
Functional Characteristics of Sperm Obtained by Electroejaculation - ScienceDirect
Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility in Spinal Cord Injured Men Through Rectal Probe Electroejaculation - ScienceDirect
The Effect on Semen Quality of the Electrical Current and Heat Generated During Rectal Probe Electroejaculation - ScienceDirect
Electrolysis-induced myocardial dysfunction: A novel method for the study of free radical mediated tissue injury - ScienceDirect
Superoxide dismutase undergoes proteolysis and fragmentation following oxidative modification and inactivation. - ScienceDirect
A Glimpse Behind the Hidden Curriculum - ScienceDirect
Neurogenic voiding dysfunction : Current Opinion in Urology
Canadian Urological Association guideline: Diagnosis, management, and surveillance of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction - Full text | Canadian Urological Association Journal
Urodynamic Findings of Neurogenic Bladder | SpringerLink
Conforming an Extracorporeal Lithotripter System for Video Urodynamic Studies | Annals of African Surgery
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Blocking iASPP/Nrf2/M-CSF axis improves anti-cancer effect of chemotherapy-induced senescence by attenuating M2 polarization - PubMed
Mouse Bone Marrow Cell Isolation and Macrophage Differentiation - PubMed
A defective lysophosphatidic acid-autophagy axis increases miscarriage risk by restricting decidual macrophage residence - PubMed
Inflammatory markers in saliva and urine reflect disease activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus - PubMed
CSF-1-induced DC-SIGN+ macrophages are present in the ovarian endometriosis - PubMed
Inflammation-Stimulated MSC-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicle miR-27b-3p Regulates Macrophages by Targeting CSF-1 to Promote Temporomandibular Joint Condylar Regeneration - PubMed
Activation of LXR Nuclear Receptors Impairs the Anti-Inflammatory Gene and Functional Profile of M-CSF-Dependent Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages - PubMed
CSF1/CSF1R signaling mediates malignant pleural effusion formation - PubMed
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) circulating tumor cells influence myeloid cell differentiation to support their survival and immunoresistance in portal vein circulation - PubMed
GM-CSF Protects Macrophages from DNA Damage by Inducing Differentiation - PubMed
[11C]NCGG401, a novel PET ligand for imaging of colony stimulating factor 1 receptors - PubMed
Oncostatin M reduces the synthesis of macrophage-colony stimulating factor stimulated by TGF-β via suppression of p44/p42 MAP kinase and JNK in osteoblasts - PubMed
Th2 Cytokines IL-4, IL-13, and IL-10 Promote Differentiation of Pro-Lymphatic Progenitors Derived from Bone Marrow Myeloid Precursors - PubMed