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KERPOW | TeachingLive
KERPOW | TeachingLive
It was a dull night with some stars in the sky, Mackenzie went to her window to see how many stars there were. In the sky, Mackenzie couldn’t look away because the moon had a face. As the moo…
KERPOW | TeachingLive
CORNWALL, United Kingdom RISING WITH DANCE! - One Billion Rising Revolution
CORNWALL, United Kingdom RISING WITH DANCE! - One Billion Rising Revolution
ONE BILLION RISING is coming to Cornwall, United Kingdom (online) as part pf a global mass action to end violence against women (cisgender, transgender, and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence). Join from your gardens or sitting rooms and celebrate solidarity through action, art, connection,...
CORNWALL, United Kingdom RISING WITH DANCE! - One Billion Rising Revolution
ICT | EdKapow
ICT | EdKapow
Information and Communication Technologies in the Primary School Classroom I will be updating this page regularly with links to websites or programs that I have come across or been recommended. FOR…
ICT | EdKapow
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Good Morning (and please vote ‘Clumpany’ by 30 October! The end IS in sight!). The Clumpany would love to have been a fly on the wall when last night’s gripping state…
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