A Dynamic Gas-mixing System - Clarence R. Carpenter, J. E. Chilton, George H. Schnakenberg - Google Books

Coacervate formation studied by explicit solvent coarse-grain molecular dynamics with the Martini model - Chemical Science (RSC Publishing)
Coacervate formation studied by explicit solvent coarse-grain molecular dynamics with the Martini model
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PCT Rodent Control Virtual Conference
Administrator's Guide to Sybase ASE 15 - Jeffrey Garbus, Ashish Gupta - Google Books
Dynamics of electrohydraulic soft actuators
Effect of Uncertainties in Parameters of Load Model on Dynamic Stability Based on Probabilistic Collocation Method
Stability of the LiBH4/CeH2 Composite System Determined by Dynamic pcT Measurements
Dynamic changes and diagnostic and prognostic significance of serum PCT, hs-CRP and s-100 protein in central nervous system infection
specialized tribunals, which simplify issues and can exist alongside traditional liability systems - Google Search
What is Blue Ocean Strategy?
Interventions targeting conscious determinants of human behaviour to reduce the demand for meat: a systematic review with qualitative comparative analysis
The effectiveness and complexity of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Interventions
Technical Description of RODS: A Real-time Public Health Surveillance System
Possible Involvement of Complement Factor C1q in the Clearance of Extracellular Neuromelanin From the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson Disease
Cancer Immunotherapy Based on Natural Killer Cells: Current Progress and New Opportunities
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The role of the complement system in cancer
Systemic complement activation is associated with respiratory failure in COVID-19 hospitalized patients
The complement system and age-related macular degeneration
Complement System Part I – Molecular Mechanisms of Activation and Regulation
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The Role of Membrane Bound Complement Regulatory Proteins in Tumor Development and Cancer Immunotherapy
Human T cell derived, cell-bound complement iC3b is integrally involved in T cell activation
Cell-bound complement activation products (CB-CAPs) have high sensitivity and specificity in pediatric-onset systemic lupus erythematosus and correlate with disease activity - J S Hui-Yuen, Y Gartshteyn, M Ma, T O’Malley, J Conklin, A H Eichenfield, L F Imundo, T Dervieux, A D Askanase, 2018
Can Cell Bound Complement Activation Products Predict Inherited Complement Deficiency in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?
Cell bound complement activation products alone and in combination with low serum complement C3 or C4 have superior diagnostic performance in systemic lupus erythematosus