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Synchronization of complex networks with time-varying delay of unknown bound via delayed impulsive control - PubMed
Synchronization of complex networks with time-varying delay of unknown bound via delayed impulsive control - PubMed
The synchronization problem for complex networks with time-varying delays of unknown bound is investigated in this paper. From the impulsive control point of view, a novel delayed impulsive differential inequality is proposed, where the bounds of time-varying delays in continuous dynamic and discret …
Synchronization of complex networks with time-varying delay of unknown bound via delayed impulsive control - PubMed
Novel bifurcation results for a delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural network - PubMed
Novel bifurcation results for a delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural network - PubMed
This paper reports the innovative results on the stability and bifurcation for a delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural network(FOQVNN). Delay-stimulated bifurcation criteria of the developed FOQVNN are attained. Then, the bifurcation diagrams are perfectly exhibited to authenticate the v …
Novel bifurcation results for a delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural network - PubMed
Cochrane Crowd
Cochrane Crowd
Cochrane Crowd is a global community of volunteers who help to classify the research needed to support informed decision-making about healthcare. Cochrane Crowd volunteers review descriptions of research studies to identify and classify clinical trials.  This helps Cochrane reviewers and other healthcare researchers around the world find high-quality evidence about treatments and other healthcare interventions.
Cochrane Crowd
The use of placebos in clinical trials for acute schizophrenia - PubMed
The use of placebos in clinical trials for acute schizophrenia - PubMed
This review examines the scientific and ethical justification for the use of randomized concurrent placebo-controlled trials in the treatment of acute relapse in chronic schizophrenia. A literature search was conducted, and the national regulatory authority was consulted. Many placebo-controlled stu …
The use of placebos in clinical trials for acute schizophrenia - PubMed
Expectation, the placebo effect and the response to treatment - PubMed
Expectation, the placebo effect and the response to treatment - PubMed
What we believe we will experience from a treatment--our expectation--has a substantial impact on what we actually experience. Expectation has been established as a key process behind the placebo effect. Studies in both laboratory and clinical settings consistently show that when people ingest a pha …
Expectation, the placebo effect and the response to treatment - PubMed
An introduction to Cochrane Crowd - YouTube
An introduction to Cochrane Crowd - YouTube
Got a burning passion for health and ready to make a difference? We’ve got you covered. Cochrane Crowd ( is an online citizen science platform that enables anyone with an interest in health to contribute to health evidence. Our volunteers make it easier for health researchers to find the latest, high-quality evidence on what treatments work and don’t work. This means health practitioners can more easily access current evidence to inform the treatments they provide. Just a few minutes each day makes a huge difference. This video introduces Cochrane Crowd, and how you can get involved.
An introduction to Cochrane Crowd - YouTube
What's in placebos: who knows? Analysis of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed
What's in placebos: who knows? Analysis of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed
Placebos were seldom described in randomized, controlled trials of pills or capsules. Because the nature of the placebo can influence trial outcomes, placebo formulation should be disclosed in reports of placebo-controlled trials.
What's in placebos: who knows? Analysis of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed
The placebo effect - PubMed
The placebo effect - PubMed
Placebos have been traditionally regarded as deceptive therapies and have not been understood in the broader context of social symbols and of interpersonal factors that surround the healing process itself. Although the power of inert substances to heal is well recognized, the placebo effect also inf …
The placebo effect - PubMed
[Believe in what you practice] - PubMed
[Believe in what you practice] - PubMed
A recent meta-analysis showed that antidepressants are more effective than placebo. In placebo-controlled trials, the placebo effect is subtracted from the verum effect to find the specific effect of each antidepressant. In clinical practice, however, the situation is the other way around: non-speci …
[Believe in what you practice] - PubMed
Placebo and deception: a commentary - PubMed
Placebo and deception: a commentary - PubMed
In a recent article in this Journal, Shlomo Cohen and Haim Shapiro (2013) introduce the concept of "comparable placebo treatments" (CPTs)--placebo treatments with biological effects similar to the drugs they replace--and argue that doctors are not being deceptive when they prescribe or administer CP …
Placebo and deception: a commentary - PubMed
The lie that heals: the ethics of giving placebos - PubMed
The lie that heals: the ethics of giving placebos - PubMed
The 170-year-long debate in the medical literature about the ethics of prescribing placebos in medical therapeutics needs to be reevaluated in light of recent placebo research and improved understanding of the placebo effect as an integral part of the doctor-patient relationship. It has traditionall …
The lie that heals: the ethics of giving placebos - PubMed
IMAGiNe STUDY - The Foundation For Peripheral Neuropathy
IMAGiNe STUDY - The Foundation For Peripheral Neuropathy
The IMAGiNe Study (Immunoglobulin M(IgM)-Anti-myelin-associated-glycoprotein (MAG) Peripheral Neuropathy Study) aims to create a standardized database and biobank to be used for the research and analysis of Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy. The goal is to be able to identify and predict the disease progression and treatment response, drawing on the information and DNA collected from the biobank … Read More »
IMAGiNe STUDY - The Foundation For Peripheral Neuropathy
Opinion: A role for placebo therapy in psychogenic movement disorders - PubMed
Opinion: A role for placebo therapy in psychogenic movement disorders - PubMed
Psychogenic movement disorders (PMDs) mimic known movement disorders but are not attributed to an underlying neurological pathology and are generally thought to have a psychological origin. Owing to the lack of a clear pathology, patients often experience multiple referrals, frequent office visits, …
Opinion: A role for placebo therapy in psychogenic movement disorders - PubMed
Placebo Responses Among Men With Erectile Dysfunction Enrolled in Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitor Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - PubMed
Placebo Responses Among Men With Erectile Dysfunction Enrolled in Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitor Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - PubMed
In this study, placebo was associated with improvement of ED, especially among men with ED-related posttraumatic stress disorder. No difference was found between placebo and PDE5I among men treated for ED after prostate surgery.
Placebo Responses Among Men With Erectile Dysfunction Enrolled in Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitor Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - PubMed