The pleasing placebo - PubMed

The placebo effect - PubMed
Placebos and suicide - PubMed
Therapeutic suggestion. An important part of hypnotic medication - PubMed
All placebos are not created equally - PubMed
The powerful placebo - PubMed
Prescribing Placebos: An Experimental Examination of the Role of Dose, Expectancies, and Adherence in Open-Label Placebo Effects - PubMed
Preface: The Fascinating Mechanisms and Implications of the Placebo Effect - PubMed
Homeopathy and intellectual honesty - PubMed
The ethics of prescription of placebos to patients with major depressive disorder - PubMed
Placebo and the Healing Process - PubMed
Prescribing placebos ethically: the appeal of negatively informed consent - PubMed
Placebos and common factors in two decades of psychotherapy research - PubMed
Placebo and its evil twin, nocebo - PubMed
Placebos - PubMed
Non-coding RNA Neat1 and Abhd11os expressions are dysregulated in medium spiny neurons of Huntington disease model mice - ScienceDirect
Bmp4 from the optic vesicle specifies murine retina formation - ScienceDirect
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Expression and ultrastructural localization of plasmin(ogen) in the terminally differentiated layers of normal human epidermis
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