Opinion: A role for placebo therapy in psychogenic movement disorders - PubMed

Placebo effects: the need for a new perspective and conceptualization - PubMed
Placebo response in anxiety disorders - PubMed
Placebo Responses Among Men With Erectile Dysfunction Enrolled in Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitor Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - PubMed
Placebo or intervention? Is it all a sham? - PubMed
Placebo response rate in patients with chronic constipation: A protocol for systematic review - PubMed
The placebo effect - PubMed
What's in placebos: who knows? Analysis of randomized, controlled trials - PubMed
TIDieR-Placebo: A guide and checklist for reporting placebo and sham controls - PubMed
Expectation, the placebo effect and the response to treatment - PubMed
Is the placebo powerless? - PubMed
[Believe in what you practice] - PubMed
Placebos: some ethical considerations - PubMed
What about placebos? "Trick or treatment?" - PubMed
survivability CM at DuckDuckGo
Supplement to Digital Applications Targeting Medication Safety in Ambulatory High-Risk CKD Patients | American Society of Nephrology
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Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Genomics Research on Schistosomiasis | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Schistosomiasis Treatment | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Product Guides & Listings | Tocris Bioscience
RNAscope®, BaseScope™ and miRNAscope™Assays | In Situ Hybridization, RNA-ISH | ACDBio
Schistosomiasis Research in Endemic Regions | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Community pharmacists as catalysts for deprescribing: An exploratory study using quality improvement processes - PubMed
Prevalence of adverse drug events in ambulatory care: a systematic review - PubMed
Resisting medicines: a synthesis of qualitative studies of medicine taking - PubMed
Medication Without Harm: WHO's Third Global Patient Safety Challenge - PubMed
Adverse Drug Effects in Patients with CKD | American Society of Nephrology