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Multivariate Control of Transcript to Protein Variability in Single Mammalian Cells: Cell Systems
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Rayyan—a web and mobile app for systematic reviews
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The ethics of prescription of placebos to patients with major depressive disorder - PubMed
Community pharmacists as catalysts for deprescribing: An exploratory study using quality improvement processes - PubMed
Placebo and the Healing Process - PubMed
Prescribing placebos ethically: the appeal of negatively informed consent - PubMed
Prevalence of adverse drug events in ambulatory care: a systematic review - PubMed
Placebos and common factors in two decades of psychotherapy research - PubMed
Placebo and its evil twin, nocebo - PubMed
Resisting medicines: a synthesis of qualitative studies of medicine taking - PubMed
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Non-coding RNA Neat1 and Abhd11os expressions are dysregulated in medium spiny neurons of Huntington disease model mice - ScienceDirect
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Bmp4 from the optic vesicle specifies murine retina formation - ScienceDirect
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