Do arousal and valence have separable influences on attention across time? - PubMed
Age differences in vulnerability to distraction under arousal - PubMed
The immutability of valence and arousal in the foundation of emotion - PubMed
Arousal systems - PubMed
Noradrenergic modulation of wakefulness/arousal - PubMed
Sympathetic arousal increases a negative memory bias in young women with low sex hormone levels - PubMed
Arousal systems and attentional processes - PubMed
Attention-enhancing effects of propranolol and synergistic effects with nicotine - PubMed
Human complex exploration strategies are enriched by noradrenaline-modulated heuristics - PubMed
Sleep deprivation, vigilant attention, and brain function: a review - PubMed
Dual-transmitter systems regulating arousal, attention, learning and memory - PubMed
Deconstructing arousal into wakeful, autonomic and affective varieties - PubMed
Attention: The Messy Reality - PubMed
Assessment of Wakefulness and Brain Arousal Regulation in Psychiatric Research - PubMed
Local cortical desynchronization and pupil-linked arousal differentially shape brain states for optimal sensory performance - PubMed
Arousal systems - PubMed
Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data - PubMed
Choosing an Optimal Database for Protein Identification from Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data - PubMed
Implementation and uses of automated de novo peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry - PubMed
A novel double loop control model design for chemical unstable processes - PubMed
Two-dimensional correlation optimized warping algorithm for aligning GC x GC-MS data - PubMed
A comparison of three algorithms for chromatograms alignment - PubMed
Functional imaging analysis contest (FIAC) analysis according to AFNI and SUMA - PubMed
Psychotropic-induced ejaculatory disturbances and alpha-adrenergic antagonists - PubMed
Dracaena arborea extracts delay the pro-ejaculatory effect of dopamine and oxytocin in spinal male rats - PubMed
A new way to protect privacy in large-scale genome-wide association studies - PubMed
Addressing Beacon re-identification attacks: quantification and mitigation of privacy risks - PubMed
Identifying personal genomes by surname inference - PubMed
Hasson NK - Search Results - PubMed
Metrifonate. Summary of toxicological and pharmacological information available - PubMed