Inhibitory Control was needed in Level-1 Visual Perspective Taking: A Developing Negative Priming Study - PubMed
Cognitive variability in adults with ADHD and AS: disentangling the roles of executive functions and social cognition - PubMed
Additive neurocognitive deficits in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and depressive symptoms - PubMed
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical features and familial transmission - PubMed
Perspective-Taking: In Search of a Theory - PubMed
[Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults] - PubMed
How preschoolers and adults represent their joint action partner's behavior - PubMed
Distinguishing sluggish cognitive tempo from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults - PubMed
Discount and disengage: How chronic negative expressivity undermines partner responsiveness to negative disclosures - PubMed
Young adult romantic couples' conflict resolution and satisfaction varies with partner's attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder type - PubMed
Visual copresence and conversational coordination - PubMed
Taking a Bleulerian perspective: a role for negative symptoms in the staging model? - PubMed
Eye-contact: a chance product of individual looking? - PubMed
A collective perspective: shared attention and the mind - PubMed
Spatial perspective-taking in conversation - PubMed
The vicarious construal effect: Seeing and experiencing the world through different eyes - PubMed
Losing oneself upon placement in another's position: the influence of perspective on self-referential processing - PubMed
Repeat After Us: Syntactic Alignment is Not Partner-Specific - PubMed
Congruence between the indicative and communicative functions of eye contact in interpersonal relations - PubMed
Perspective-Taking: In Search of a Theory - PubMed
Perspective Taking in Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents - PubMed
Who's the "expert"? Amateur and professional judgment of aphasic communication - PubMed
Perspective-taking is spontaneous but not automatic - PubMed
Inhibitory Control was needed in Level-1 Visual Perspective Taking: A Developing Negative Priming Study - PubMed
Visual copresence and conversational coordination - PubMed
Contextual influence over deriving another's false beliefs using a relational triangulation perspective taking protocol (RT-PTP-M2) - PubMed
Flexible spatial perspective-taking: conversational partners weigh multiple cues in collaborative tasks - PubMed
A collective perspective: shared attention and the mind - PubMed
The use of embodied self-rotation for visual and spatial perspective-taking - PubMed
Stick or Switch: A Selection Heuristic Predicts when People Take the Perspective of Others or Communicate Egocentrically - PubMed