Virtual Rehab
The Proteus Effect: The Effect of Transformed Self‐Representation on Behavior
The Proteus Effect: Influence of Avatar Appearance on Social Interaction in Virtual Environments | SpringerLink
The Proteus Effect: Influence of Avatar Appearance on Social Interaction in Virtual Environments | SpringerLink
Frank: The dark side of self-and social perception:... - Google Scholar
Alm: The role of shyness and self‐focused attention... - Google Scholar
O'Brien: An investigation into how avatar appearance... - Google Scholar
Peña: The priming effects of avatars in virtual settings - Google Scholar
Alm: Attributions of shyness-resembling behaviors... - Google Scholar
Bian: The Proteus effect: A new perspective on virtual... - Google Scholar
The Proteus Effect: Influence of Avatar Appearance on Social Interaction in Virtual Environments | SpringerLink
Proteus Effect Profiles: how Do they Relate with Disordered Gaming Behaviours? | SpringerLink
Proteus Effect: The Effect of Transformed Self-Representation on Behavior | Human Communication Research | Oxford Academic
The Proteus Effect - Google Books
neural data matrix - Google Search
Frontiers | NeuroRA: A Python Toolbox of Representational Analysis From Multi-Modal Neural Data | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
15: Matrix Operations - Intro to Neural Computation - YouTube
Sparse representations of high dimensional neural data | Scientific Reports
The joint similarity matrix for cricket sensory neural data set. This... | Download Scientific Diagram
6d79e030371e47e6231337805a7a2685 paper
Simple, fast, and flexible framework for matrix completion with infinite width neural networks | PNAS
Under The Hood of Neural Network Forward Propagation — The Dreaded Matrix Multiplication | by Matt Ross | Towards Data Science
Correlating spike trains — Data Science for Psychology and Neuroscience — in Python
Comparative Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for the Detection and Decoding of Data Matrix Landmarks in Cluttered Indoor Environments | SpringerLink
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MechCorps Entertainment