
Virtual Rehab
Wilson*stavisky*et al j neural eng2020
Neural Speech Decoding | Kaggle
Brumberg et al 2010
Encoding and decoding models in cognitive electrophysiology. - PsycNET
Decoding grasp and speech signals from the cortical grasp circuit in a tetraplegic human - ScienceDirect
Brain Recording, Mind-Reading, and Neurotechnology: Ethical Issues from Consumer Devices to Brain-Based Speech Decoding | SpringerLink
Cracking the Neural Code in Humans
Nsr phoneme decoding
Predictive Ensemble Decoding of Acoustical Features Explains Context-Dependent Receptive Fields | Journal of Neuroscience
Nsr phoneme decoding
Speaker-independent auditory attention decoding without access to clean speech sources
Human motor decoding from neural signals: a review | BMC Biomedical Engineering | Full Text
Periodic Reporting for period 3 - BrainCom (High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces.) | H2020 | CORDIS | European Commission
Speech categorization is better described by induced rather than evoked neural activity: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America: Vol 149, No 3
Key Findings
Deep learning approaches for neural decoding: from CNNs to LSTMs and spikes to fMRI | DeepAI
Dap stretcu otilia
Scientists decode brain waves to eavesdrop on what we hear | Research UC Berkeley
NCS2020"Decoding the neural processing of speech" - YouTube
Turning Thoughts into Spoken Words | Dana Foundation
Straight from the Brain, So to Speak