Lauren M. Bylsma, Ph.D. - Google Scholar
ICPR 2018 Program | Friday August 24, 2018
1.1. Install AFNI on Your Own Computer — AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
STR Training Materials
Medscape | Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc - Publication Information
New Experiments on ICP-Based 3D Face Recognition and Authentication | Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Volume 03
Cassiopeia (Business/Productivity Software) Company Profile: Valuation & Investors | PitchBook
dblp: Wenyu Zhang
AFNI program: SurfDsetInfo
Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras | Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
SUMA: Mapping SPM Results to AFNI - YouTube
EUSIPCO 2014: Session Index
Polarized light and Optical Angular Momentum for biomedical diagnostics, Conference Details
BibSLEIGH — algorithm tag
AFNI program: @Quiet_Talkers
Publications iCoSys - iCoSys
Extending the Time to Collect DNA in Sexual Assault Cases | National Institute of Justice
A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization | SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing | Vol. 16, No. 5 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
35 - Advanced Visualization with AFNI & SUMA - Part 2 of 2 | The Center for Brains, Minds & Machines
OSA | Compact lensless full-color holographic projection system with digital phase
Dynamic gesture recognition by directional pulse coupled neural networks for human-robot interaction in real time - ScienceDirect
Bifidobacterial Succession and Correlation Networks in a Large Unselected Cohort of Mothers and Their Children | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
RF-IDH: An intelligent fall detection system for hemodialysis patients via COTS RFID - ScienceDirect
Manuals - IALA AISM
HapFABIA: Identification of very short segments of identity by descent characterized by rare variants in large sequencing data | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic
Magno Rodrigo Moreira - Processos
preprocess 5. Automating alignment - YouTube
(PDF) A collaborative, non-invasive hybrid semantic localization and mapping system (HySeLAM) | Filipe Neves Dos Santos -