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Search Results
US 7508525 B2 - High Efficiency Balanced Detection Interferometer - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search
US 7126693 B2 - Simple High Efficiency Optical Coherence Domain Reflectometer Design - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search
US 7474407 B2 - Optical Coherence Tomography With 3d Coherence Scanning - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search
US 7725169 B2 - Contrast Enhanced Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search
US 2010/0249761 A1 - System And Method For Altering The Optical Properties Of A Material - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search
US 9437041 B2 - 3d Laser Ablation Tomography - The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search