Customer Engagement Solutions from Afni, Inc. - Afni, Inc.

SUMA documentation
AFNI program: @SUMA_Make_Spec_Caret
1.1. Install AFNI on Your Own Computer — AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
34 - Advanced Visualization with AFNI & SUMA - Part 1 of 2 | The Center for Brains, Minds & Machines
AFNI program: @SUMA_renumber_FS
AFNI program: SurfDsetInfo
Andy's Brain Blog
SUMA: Mapping SPM Results to AFNI - YouTube
AFNI Training Bootcamp | The Center for Brains, Minds & Machines
AFNI program: @Quiet_Talkers
AFNI program: @SUMA_Make_Spec_SF
35 - Advanced Visualization with AFNI & SUMA - Part 2 of 2 | The Center for Brains, Minds & Machines
About AFNI |
Andy's Brain Blog: SUMA Demo
1st Basque AFNI meeting
Fun with AFNI Masks | Crash Log
Andy's Brain Blog: AFNI Tutorial: 3dTcat
AFNI Bootcamp
New Connectivity Features in AFNI & SUMA part 2 - YouTube
Functional imaging analysis contest (FIAC) analysis according to AFNI and SUMA - PubMed
afni/Makefile.NIH.CentOS.5.3_64 at master · afni/afni
AFNI: What a long strange trip it's been - ScienceDirect
(PDF) SUMA: An interface for surface-based intra- and inter-subject analysis with AFNI
afni – toolkit for analyzing and visualizing functional MRI data — Debian Neuroscience Package Repository
Andy's Brain Blog: Overview of
SUMA: An interface for surface-based intra- and inter-subject analysis with AFNI — Northwestern Scholars
Beauchamp:Lab Notebook - OpenWetWare
Beauchamp:AFNI Install - OpenWetWare