B-52 bomber - LifeWiki
Conway életjáték
The Game of Life | swan
A diagonal period 4 c/4 spaceship that produces some useful sparks.
The Game of Life | seal
The first c/6 diagonal spaceship to be found. Has period 6.
The Game of Life | blinkerfuse
An orthogonal 2c/3 period 18 fuse that burns cleanly through blinkers.
The Game of Life | koksgalaxy
A period 8 oscillator that was found in 1971.
The Game of Life | stilllifetagalong
An orthogonal c/2 period 4 spaceship that pulls a pond.
The Game of Life | turtle
A period 3 c/3 orthogonal spaceship.
The Game of Life | spider
A c/5 period 5 orthogonal spaceship found in April 1997. It is the smallest known c/5 spaceship.
The Game of Life | snail
The first c/5 orthogonal spaceship to be discovered. Has period 5. Found in January 1996.
The Game of Life | smallernewshuttle
The second period 28 oscillator to be found
The Game of Life | 233p3h1v0
The first non-monotonic period 3 spaceship to be discovered
The Game of Life | 400p49
A small period 49 oscillator based off of Noam Elkies' reflector te chnology
The Game of Life | 94p271
The smallest known period 27 oscillator as of April 2009. Found in August 2005.
The Game of Life | b52bomber
A true period 104 double-barrelled glider gun. It uses a B-heptomino and emits one glider every 52 generations.